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So dungeon botters are a thing now.
Different or not, but outcome is same, because player still gets gold and items. but just in more legal way. That's 100% win for that player.
There are some modifications that I think make the game more feasible, such as text modifications. I do not think modifications are inherently bad either in that case. Though remember, if Nexon wanted it, they would not have disallowed it. They made it so you do need modifications for these things, rather than making them a possibility, which is pretty self defeating in that sense, unless there are other reasons why we cannot open multiple windows of Mabinogi.
True, though to reiterate, legality does not matter as much as consistency. Otherwise it is just a loophole.
I kind of doubt that. Nor does it dispel the reasoning that using both methods can be "abused", if you consider it that.
I really wouldn't go about calling any of those issues more important than the other, because they're all pretty important. Harassment and cheating are obvious, but botting can cause some serious long term problems to a MMO's economy if not kept in check. I don't want to see people bullied into depression, but I also don't want to see people have to shell out five million gold for something that currently costs one hundred thousand gold one year from now.
That's something they are certainly capable of doing if people report suspected offenders instead of ignoring the problem.
On the other hand prices might skyrocket more as there will be less of items in circulation due to the low drop rates.
True, but that would only apply to the rare items that aren't being dropped. If you let botters farm gold freely, nearly everything in the market is going to inflate in price.
And in case you misunderstood me, I was talking about people who are botting stuff without any user input at all. If someone is willing to carry under leveled characters through a dungeon for more chest drops, more power to them. But if they're going into these places while they aren't at the computer, the item generation becomes illegitimate and gets out of hand quickly when more people use the same script.
Ahh ok yea I do agree on the botting/scripts (in all truth they are the same thing), and yea I did misunderstand you on that I just took for granted you were lumping multi pc users with the botters like most the others are.
Well at least we're on the same page. And on that, I do recall some GM answering the multiple computers thing on old forums as well, so perhaps someone could clear that out here again?
That's why I said report them in my quotes above. Most companies view multi clienting as an abuse of the system, and it's either bannable or not depending on what made the player report them. That's what the report ticket system and report button are for anyways.
Yeah. Although in all fairness dungeon botting and comparing it to the effects of multi clienting is more of a company discretion type of thing, so any arguments we make here could be null and void if a Mabinogi Dev summarized it already or says it's discretion and we shouldn't poke our nose in it.
That does not make it free from criticism on inconsistency, practical or moral. It does make it pointless, however, unless we are referring to the reward spamming you can do with either.
Some game completely encourage multiboxing though. I'm looking at you Eve Online.
It's a minor derail at worst. Remember how we got here -it was the question of whether or not people suspected of botting should be reported or not. As the people who've tried to defend players suspected of doing this have pointed out, there's no way for an observing player to tell the difference between automation and multiple computers. It's not as if bots can't be put on slightly different timers so as to appear as if they're all being manually controlled by a single person.
The only answer that makes sense is that players should report people who appear to be doing this, whether using multiple alts legitimately or illegitimately doesn't matter from our point of view. And if it is ok for players to use multiple accounts at once in order to profit more, then there should be no reason for such players to object to being investigated for botting.
Anyway, I'd really like to see Nexon clear up their position on this. They probably won't because any honest answer they have for us is either too depressing, or purposefully vague.
"Yeah, we agree that dragging alts around to get extra rewards is wrong and it breaks the game, but we can't really do anything to stop this without going back to the '1 account per IP' thing, and we're not willing to do anything so drastic because we're desperate to keep any paying players we can until the game finally keels over and dies."
We'd most likely either get that or "Players are allowed to create multiple accounts."
Plus, certain Nexon games in kr actually supports multi client officially; they even put that sign in game (e.g. Kingdom of WInd)
"Multiboxing is generally allowed by MMORPG End User License Agreements, because the characters are still subject to all the normal rules of the game world and are controlled by the player directly. This is in contrast to bots that partially or fully control the characters, which are against the terms of service of most online games."
i remember it too T v T but not who said it and never took a screencap. wanna say it was Dealer or Shoog? so forum mod rather than GM but really do not remember it could easily have been someone else.