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CyberEvent needs your help!
Hi everyone, sorry for coming out of the blue!
But i have a few things lined up in the middle of may that be of interest to everyone! =3
But what i would like to know is what would you guys like to see me host.
Do you want something more competitive like: PVP, quizes or art competitions?
Do you want something more luck based like: hide and seek or jousting?
Do you want something hosted more on forums or in game?
Or do you like more Puzzles like the last 2 i done (i messed up the last one im sorry!)
I really like your guys opinions so i can move forward.
btw look forward to the next puzzle, its almost done
Well, I did wonder where he went off to
awww did you miss me? =3
Sorry, i had compounding real life things happen that left me out of the loop but Ill always try to make time for my fav game and its players =3
Not sure if worried or excited x3
iim doing well just more work in my life now
But why are you shocked?
Also good to know to have something in game for servers to get players active in it ;3
Just used to alot of older faces being out the picture I guess, I'm not saying it's a bad thing by any means. I just get very surprised nowadays when I see an old face, since so many are gone now or at least most I recognize.
neither. It's a face that shows my hope for an art contest. LOL
I think I improved a lot and would love to try attempting one,
hopefully I'll win, but there are too many talented artists in mabinogi..