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What events would you like to see comeback!!??
Iria treasure hunt event when? Make it 2009 again.
Plus, I'd like if they put the new HS items in there... I need more Rapa Patches and Trellis ; -; I'm not paying 500k+ for them
I hope after the livestream they present something i can do... been like 4 events of afking... each a month or so apart....
And hopefully when they present it, we get it shortly... i hate to wait another month for some physical non limited tasks.
that was actually the most active ive been in mabi for a while. so much to do.
it stinks we didnt get to keep the matching cards game in party creation. i love doing that
Edit: triple combo cuzz
There's a new season coming out, so who knows? Usually when games get events like these it's more the company making the show doing marketing rather than the game developer seeking out a merchandising opportunity. If it's the latter, I suspect Devcat would feel the money is better spent on other and new shows.
I know PSO2 in Japan seems to get a new anime gacha every other week. o_O
May be, but the hype has definitely gone down, and it is unlikely to ever go back up. This is usually how things are, both with haterbases and fanbases. Things that are new, exciting, or novel become old, routine, or mundane in comparison.
There has been a movie, a season 2, and several new additions to the franchises, including a prequel like series which details the level by level progression of people like Asuna, who is the protagonist.
and the Dragon Boat WAS SO LIT, until it became a lag fest.
but who ever do, i understand, got work and not a lot of time to play
AFK event are okay every now and then, but getting them CONSTANTLY? Please, no.