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What events would you like to see comeback!!??
What events would you like to see comeback?

their hasn't been a lot of events happening lately >u> and im a bit lonely...
(the names below arent accurate to the events names i just dont remember exactly what their called)
when it comes to mabinogi bringing new "content" its ually so they dont add to what content they already have..... which is very noticeable *cough*
They need a fun event that makes me WANT to do stuff. Something with rewards that I'll actually want that isn't junk and know I'll get for doing it that isn't chance.
I kinda enjoy open world group effort events too, like the zombie attack one.
all these new events r just sponging players to stay then to be enjoyable.... ill give it that.... what really makes me mad is things will be called "events" more so then ever before.... like gachas, "new content", and new items in the nx shop are now basically considered events. - its very stressful to play when i feel more like if i miss even a day in mabinogi i luck out on the only item these events r worth doing.... Plus... i dont like waiting... and some of these 1 good item events take up to 3 weeks of dishing out. like waiting 3 weeks alone isnt worth 1 good free item in a ""free mmo....
Being part of the 100% brigade was fun.
Seriously.... literally our only permanent competetive minigame is the friggin dragon egg defense ... and jousting.
Screw prizes and all of that 'coerce me to play' nonsense. It was just so fun !
The fact coins could drop from enemies everywhere based on CP made collecting them easy, and since there wasn't a limit on what you had to do, it was generally far more enjoyable to me than SM spamming.
In fact, a lot of the more interactive events were good, even XO event (as grindy as the last one was).
Doki Doki island would also not be bad, new players could use a fair chance at flight coupons.
Just about anything sounds better than afk events these days.
been waiting for it since last time 2 years ago lol. got more stuffs to be dyed.
In term of cash shop things... I'd also like to see updated Catchapon event with the new reward list while giving some useful items such as Complete Skill Potion (1day) and skill exp seals and/or revamped Magical Bingo Gachapon where you can open the gachapons and fill out the bingo board to get certain rewards... maybe make it so you get Sweetiepie/Cutiepie wings (those haven't been released for 3 years now... they did get released in the Mabinogi Anime Expo in 2016 during summer but as an untradeable item... so people couldn't get it if they didn't attend there) and I think they need to be re-released badly) for completing the whole board?
I still have those trees rotting behind my treehouse.
Also I would love to see the return of the Constellation Event http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Constellation_Event. I need soooooo much more of those mobiles to cover my even bigger homestead. (Plus I would love to see the price drop again to make my galaxy more possible).
i have been asking for 8 years.... good luck....
Hunt for Treasure Chest Event that we got in 2008 that we NEVER got a 2ed time
Regarding event-wise, x8-x10 training exp event would be nice.