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Harvesting Raw Wood after Sound of Spring Event
Harvesting Raw Wood from the Mystical Tree from the Sound of Spring Event still gives you Raw Wood (If you used an essence on the tree before today's maintenance).
This item has no more use, but it can't be dropped or destroyed, so it's kinda stuck in my inventory.
Not sure who else did/will do this by accident.
1. Use an Essence of Spring on the Mystical Tree. (Or whatever the item was called)
2. End the Sound of Spring Event.
3. Harvest Raw Wood from the Mystical Tree.
4. Bingo!
Server: Tarlach
Name: XSnowie

Sorry if this isn't the place to post this but because I don't want to post multiple threads about this issue i would appreciate it if the Dev's delete mines as well ^ ^
Server: Mari
Name: Iralisse
Server: Alexina
Idk how to insert images here haha ^^; So here's a link!
Server: Alexina
Name: Cradlesong
I'm having the exact same issue. :c
I shall do as you instructed and recommend others to do the same in order to get this problem resolved.
How do I file a ticket?
Edit: I contacted customer support. Thanks for the tip
We are actually periodically removing them with every maintenance. Thanks for reporting!