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AP training... too grindy
All This clicking training on all these skills to ap train is too grindy.
I agree. Why don't we get complete skill training for a random rank 2 or lower skill every day we log in?
Getting tired of KR keeping so many updates away from us.
I don't care what people say about this thing. This AP training is a blessing for me. Rank 1 Blacksmithing and Tailoring here I come!
lol too bad you can't give it away some of us could use some extra ap haha
Not really. Later on after you've R1ed a lot of skills already, AP starts to pile up as the tougher-to-rank skills pile up as well. It's much easier to go do another shadow mission run for gold than it is to rank certain skills.
LF> ap to gold convert
still nothing at all left to train :c
memento plis
Less than 6 hours in with the update and people already complaining.
For the love of Cichol what the hell? I feel sorry for the Nexon employees. They're doing great work for a crappy and toxic community.
I posted within in hour, did I break a record?
That's right. People are already going broke over having to replace their mouse, it's an epidemic!