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Any chance for it or similar in the future? What do you think?
You have to "build" it, like you do other items on your homestead. So click on the build icon then select the tree.
Wish i had this problem. I wasn't around last time the event ran, and i've only upgraded my small to medium. Hoping i'll have good luck getting the items i need to upgrade to large and another seedling to get another small to upgrade, but i won't hold my breath...good luck is usually not on my side.
bruh.. someone really needs to check translations
this kind of thing happens too often
Make sure you complete the quest after you paint the tree 10 times, then relog or change channels to get the new quest to be able to paint your tree again after the 7AM reset.
Not a bug, the seed is a material not a prop. Please see the following quote:
The tree resets at midnight Pacific time, the quests reset at 7am, so if you fully harvested your tree after midnight pdt and prior to the event reset, (and used your candy dye amps) you will have to wait until after midnight to harvest the tree again.
You can however uproot the tree and use that seed to make a larger tree (medium or large) the new tree will allow you to harvest it that day.
Yea all homestead props reset at midnight, the trees are no exception.
You cannot can only buy more candy trees with pon or wait to get another when the event comes back. The event doesn't give you a chance of getting more seeds.
on that note...
Joe only gives you 1 seed. Players can buy extra trees with pon, however a player is limited to 1 large, 1 medium, and 1 small tree.
I have the same problem no candy bait anywhere
I harvested my tree and it won't let me paint it.
I tried upgrading it to a Medium tree, still won't let me paint it.
I removed it and placed it, still won't work.
Left and returned to HS.. still won't work!!! >:(
EDIT: I did use the remaining dyes I had yesterday after completing the quest because, well.. why not? I didn't need them.
Plus the quest never did state that this would happen.
Well, guess I'm not getting my ticket today. I'm TWO days behind now. >:(
Relogged and got the quest, used the dye and got the coupon..
What IS this glitchiness?!
Also the fact where I went to RB, changed my mind and the game still thought I RB'd..
There is no physical tree to dye. You just have to use the candy dye ampoule by right clicking on said item and hitting "use". You need to use ten per day to complete the daily quest.