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Why are bandit homesteads so nice?

Member Maia
Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
Posts: 903
edited June 4, 2017 in General Chat
While I'm stuck living in a wasteland they get a nice view and a stream to boot!


  • Member Xiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Because they stole their way to getting that homestead, of course.
    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
    Posts: 9,218
    As I said before, I wish we could do something about that desert. I don't care if it's covered in grass or an ocean, get rid of that ugly background.
  • Member Policroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    I wish the bandit homesteads were accessible to players, even if you got less building space.
  • Member Rhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited June 4, 2017
    Rumor goes...those are abandoned homestead belonging to ex-GM's. Bandits are just squatting.
  • Member Nichee
    Mabinogi Rep: 915
    Posts: 62
    Yes, can we have similar backgrounds? Mountains..or something, Just get rid of those barren wasteland that we have no access to.
  • Member Namiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    edited June 5, 2017
    No idea why they ever thought that putting homesteads in the middle of a vast totally barren wasteland was a good idea to begin with. Especially given there's no way to go about changing that background to something else more visually appealing. Heck they could even just make it a cash shop item you need to buy to do background changes! There would surely be profits to be hand for Nexon in doing so. Since it seems unlikely they would be motivated to do anything about it otherwise.
  • Member Maia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    Namiri wrote: »
    No idea why they ever thought that putting homesteads in the middle of a vast totally barren wasteland was a good idea to begin with. Especially given there's no way to go about changing that background to something else more visually appealing. Heck they could even just make it a cash shop item you need to buy to do background changes! There would surely be profits to be hand for Nexon in doing so. Since it seems unlikely they would be motivated to do anything about it otherwise.

    that's actually what I was thinking lol
  • Member Berryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,350
    Posts: 798
    I would love to have a background change. I was so jealous of the bandits hs lol.
  • Member TtheHero
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,410
    Posts: 63
    We can't have those smelly brigands having such nice things! They don't deserve such scenic views!
  • Member Crossx2
    Mabinogi Rep: 990
    Posts: 10
    It'd be nice if we could pick a terrain to be our background instead of just the biome, at some point. Could do mountains/stream, off the shore of a lake, or on a cliff by the sea, etc.
  • Member Sylek
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 166
    Crossx2 wrote: »
    It'd be nice if we could pick a terrain to be our background instead of just the biome, at some point. Could do mountains/stream, off the shore of a lake, or on a cliff by the sea, etc.

    Pay Pon or otherwise "build" the background. I'd even be willing to use gold or Ducats for something to change it. Being in a dessert might make some sense in Connous, but how does Physis look? (I'm in Uladh and the dessert there is terrible.)
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
    Posts: 9,218
    edited June 6, 2017
    Wouldn't it be cool if you could divert water to create a river near your homestead? Then because of that water as time goes by it creates lush scenery around your area? We could keep the square sandbox, but around it could be something a little more interactive and fun.

    Something like this? (Pardon my crude rushed photoshop).

    You divert some water and it makes a small stream...


    Then over time, maybe even after weeks for realism...the stream turns into a river and the desert becomes a lush field.


    Easy peasy. All they have to do is do some gradual texture changes to the area around the homestead. They would barely have to build anything new except turn the dead trees into living ones, and a have a simple flowing river that runs from the horizon to past the other horizon.

    Or...just surround the hs in ocean, making it an island!


    Watch this becomes a gacha, ergh!

    Looks nicer huh? I should probably put this into the suggestions forum, probably.
    Radiant Dawn
  • Member Namiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    I can't help but feel that the only way Nexon would be willing to implement such an idea is if it were to cost NX or Pons. Since that's just how they are and they probably wouldn't see any reason for them to be bothered to do it if there's no profit for them. But even if it were to cost real money I think many people would still pay for it. Since it would be well worth it to change that hideous deserted wasteland into something more visually appealing.
  • Member Opalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    Gaea wrote: »
    Wouldn't it be cool if you could divert water to create a river near your homestead? Then because of that water as time goes by it creates lush scenery around your area? We could keep the square sandbox, but around it could be something a little more interactive and fun.

    Something like this? (Pardon my crude rushed photoshop).

    You divert some water and it makes a small stream...


    Then over time, maybe even after weeks for realism...the stream turns into a river and the desert becomes a lush field.


    Easy peasy. All they have to do is do some gradual texture changes to the area around the homestead. They would barely have to build anything new except turn the dead trees into living ones, and a have a simple flowing river that runs from the horizon to past the other horizon.

    Or...just surround the hs in ocean, making it an island!


    Watch this becomes a gacha, ergh!

    Looks nicer huh? I should probably put this into the suggestions forum, probably.

    To the suggestion thread!
  • Member Maia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    All the yeses
  • Member Crimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,365
    Posts: 9,218
    Opalthira wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Wouldn't it be cool if you could divert water to create a river near your homestead? Then because of that water as time goes by it creates lush scenery around your area? We could keep the square sandbox, but around it could be something a little more interactive and fun.

    Something like this? (Pardon my crude rushed photoshop).

    You divert some water and it makes a small stream...


    Then over time, maybe even after weeks for realism...the stream turns into a river and the desert becomes a lush field.


    Easy peasy. All they have to do is do some gradual texture changes to the area around the homestead. They would barely have to build anything new except turn the dead trees into living ones, and a have a simple flowing river that runs from the horizon to past the other horizon.

    Or...just surround the hs in ocean, making it an island!


    Watch this becomes a gacha, ergh!

    Looks nicer huh? I should probably put this into the suggestions forum, probably.

    To the suggestion thread!