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Commissioning Art? Stuck on another server?
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Blankeye
Artist's Server: Ruairi
Amount: 1.5m
Trade to: Blankeye
Gonna post this on discord, too :x
but im good to transfer the 5m now
please do! and do tell me once you mailed it so ill know when to log on :'>
Mailed to Sweetluka123!
IGN: Asxina
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Miyoka
Artist's Server: Tarlarch
Amount: 3m
Trade to: Miyoka
Thank you! i will put one up in the discord too
Hello! I accept
IGN: Vania
Server: Mari
Artist IGN: Miyoka
Artist's Server: Tarlach
Amount: 3m
Trade to: Miyoka
Server: Mari
Artist IGN:Hotakatsu
Artist's Server: Ruairi
Amount: 1.4m
Trade to: Hotakatsu
Hello! I accept!
Check received and paid to Miyoka!
Server: Tarlach
Artist IGN: Bloodie
Artist Server: Mari
Amount: 2m
Trade to: Bloodie
Thank you
Accepted! Let me know here when ready
Check received! Paid to Bloodie
I am announcing that our Evee is stuck in the Harvey Hurricane issue. I believe it will take time for her to recover, so I will try my best and contact Dreadhawk when I run out of Tarlach gold. He's busy irl so it will take time for a response but fret not! He'll still answer. It will just take time for the gold to arrive. Please be patient with us when it takes a little time to respond for Tarlach thank you!
Meaning: Do not worry, it is okay to request for Tarlach. Dreadhawk has lots of gold. It will take time for a response though. Thank you!
Server: Alexina
Artist IGN: Ukee
Artist Server: Mari
Amount: 1.5m
Trade to: Ukee
Thanks and i will also put in the discord as well
Server: Tarlach
Artist IGN: Medamaudee (?) [may update, still waiting on confirmation]
Artist Server: Mari
Amount: 2m
Trade to: Medamaudee (see previous note)
Accepted! I am available right now or tomorrow 1:40pm to 4:30pm PST or after 10pm PST. Friday I am free all day! Let me know whens a good time
Done! Mailed check to Medamaudee
Asxina's request is also done!