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Hello there I played mabi a while ago and I got a lot of stuff in it and I really made a great character that I keep wanting to come back to. The only thing that keeps me away however is when I think about how the games player base is so small and I keep fearing that the game will die and take away all my time and money. So I guess I'm just trying to find out from regular players' perspectives how successful you think the game is doing right now? Do you think the game is going to die or do you think it has enough players to keep it alive for a long time? Yeah I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing posts like this but I want some fresh insight now that it's 2017
is maple's playerbase getting smaller too? o-o; never played it
Honestly, what I would like is for Mabinogi 2. I am surprised they have gotten this far with this engine. But I question how much more it can be pushed.
Regarding the time and money, well...I'm afraid you have to realize that it is something bound to happen. Games eventually do die and take all your time and money to their digital graves. Remember that you don't own the game, look at it more as a 'service' you can pay money to enjoy some extra things.
Because of that, I suggest you always think about the entertainment value a game provides to you before you start forking out the cash.
Regarding population on the servers, I daresay Alexina and Mari are quite full. (Or so they claim). Ruairi has a decent population and Tarlach was the server with the least players, but that was like a year or more ago when I took a break from Mabi so maybe stuff changed.
Alexina is the only server still decently populated, the other three are all similarly...sparse.
My goal is to max out a character so i can feel satisfied that I've "finished" the game so in the event that it does close down, I don't feel like I've had a game I was still actively playing taken away from me.
Well it wouldn't be a Mabinogi forum w/o this types of threads.
So...this means our brand new forum has been officially christened?
There was a sequel but it was canceled during development due to backlash based around the games playstyle (Vindictus-like style and combat, and Hub based worlds instead of Openworld) The devs canceled the game to start again after agreeing that this wasn't the right direction to take the game and would be a poor marketing decision to continue the game. While a sequel would mean the probable end of the Original, I'd welcome it purely because Mabinogi is so badly aged and dated.
Heard in the video is mention of Nao (the black haired women) the Milletian (as Nao speaks of them), and the Male Narrator talks of Avalon, the land where the gods each other fight for power. Avalon gate is a new area in Mabinogi, I theorize that the two games may have linked together here if the sequel made it out. It looks really cool but I do agree that it doesn't feel like Mabinogi should.
Mabinogi will probably stay up and running purely because its so unique, unless the game either becomes too expensive to maintain, the sequel comes out, or a catastrophic server error.
Oh you mean the entire Nexon network crash that happened yesterday because of no maintenance? Oh yeah that catastrophic server error will probably happen next December if they keep up with this neglect every year for the sake of their vacation time. This happens EVERY year.
Btw of which there is STILL no maintenance happening. I am especially worried about the servers. Ch1 is to be avoided on Ruairi as of late.
Christmas Break, Winter Game Sales, and Winter events with more incentive in other games.
Overall, it's definitely declined though.
Like most MMORPGs, you're going to find the majority of the server huddled in commerce areas and less population during content droughts.
Dunbarton and Belvast are the populated towns. The unofficial "market" channel will vary by server.