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Hello random (mostlikelybored) person! I am here to tell you that the (superold) guild Cavalry is recruiting! (FINALLY.) Now, I am going to do this like a slight rehab, and I would appreciate if ya'll tagged along for it. Step one is now! I am going to recruit people who are knowledgeable in the game and it's mechanics, BUT ya'll also need to be nice (orelseno), because step two is to recruit people who would need our help! (Lordknowsthey'reoutthere) I have a guild Discord available for use, and I am always logging in at LEAST once a day (forsomanyhoursIcan'tevencount). The only bad news?! It's an older family style guild, so there will be members in it already that haven't logged in for awhile cause I freaking LOVE them as people and refuse to kick. Let's add you to that list too?!
So! In short, and without all my crazy parenthesis, Cavalry is a friendly guild, and wanting to grow so we can help the Mabi community further and progress faster! Our goal is to not only help the players of Mabinogi, but also to help anyone in the guild to reach the far off goals of Rabbie Phantasm and other high leveled gear! Please, if you're at all interested or wish to speak with me, my IGN is Kitta, and I never shut my computer off so I can be reached between work hours

Note me or add and, if you're comfortable, we can chat on Discord as well. ^_^ I look forward to growing with you all!
Awesome! If you want to add me in game, I'd love to talk to you about it
Hooray! You can add me in game, and I'd love to chat with you about it!
I haven't played since 2005 I returned to Mabinogi a week ago and I noticed that much has changed since I last got on. If you are still recruiting please note me or add me please.
Hey! I got you a note back, but I can add you as soon as I'm able. Got work after the maintenance tonight, so it might be late tonight or tomorrow morning. I'd love to talk to you about it!
The only reason we use discord is so we can keep in touch with each other even when offline. So, should I be coming home from work and see that they're wanting to do a raid, I can easily tell them I want to join as well and we can make arrangements, ya know? No, the discord is not required, and even if you do join it, you don't have to join the calls. We just think it's been a lot easier considering that our members all log in at different times. We do use guild chat for those who don't want to use Discord though! Note or add Kitta in game if you want to talk to me about it more
If anyone else is interested, add me in game! My IGN is Kitta!
I would love to talk to you about it! Add Kitta in game and we can figure this out :>