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Future Plans for Myself

Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
Posts: 313
edited October 12, 2017 in Alexina Chat
I'm mainly on Tarlach server (because of dear friends and the fact I can't peel myself away from my elf) but after the lantern event I plan on making a chara on Alexina. I want to try to..recreate my elf on that one. So! It'll be fun if anyone of Alexina would lend a hand with missions I wouldn't be able to solo. I plan on starting out as Mage this time and when I master that, I plan on mastering certain life skills as well. I'd have to work on gens though and deal with the sad life of having no mountable pets on that chara...but depending on how this goes, It'll be fine. If you're Alexina server and wouldn't mind lending a hand like that here and there, do message me and I'll keep you updated on when I create my elf. /nod nod

(Also unsure of where to post this. I hope general chat is alright.)

edit: I just remembered Saga gives you a free pegasus, so I'll also be doing that (: getting excited already.


  • JJJJ
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,400
    Posts: 500
    If you create a new account you can get your starter pets on that character. It is not against any rules nor is it immoral. The only real reason I can think of for not making a new account for a different server is to get premium on both at the same time.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Liyeta wrote: »
    Hmm i would say
    Make a new account. Reason is:
    1. Free mount
    2. Teleport book thingy
    3. You can abuse the reset skill and get around 5k ap before reaching 1k level.

    Actually, everyone can "abuse" it now. Just need some gold, but it's not a lot anyway. Like 90k per reset.
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    True but I don't want to make a new account since I find it tedious to have to log out of one just to get back into another.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Pretty sure just making a new character on your same account will give you the free Eagle and Thoroughbred because I have them and I've been on my account for YEARS. You just get them from having a character go through the tutorial. Also, so you know, if you have more characters, that's more times you can do Saga and more Pegasi you can get as a result. =D
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited October 12, 2017
    Leinei wrote: »
    Pretty sure just making a new character on your same account will give you the free Eagle and Thoroughbred because I have them and I've been on my account for YEARS. You just get them from having a character go through the tutorial. Also, so you know, if you have more characters, that's more times you can do Saga and more Pegasi you can get as a result. =D

    This, as long as you haven't done the new beginner quests on your account then your new character on Alexina will be able to get the free mounts and the moongate book. But you won't be able to get a free premium character card to customize your new character on your new server. But you will have the convenience of having access to both servers from one account.

    Have fun.
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Pan wrote: »

    O_o ok...?
  • dorinnadorinna
    Mabinogi Rep: 845
    Posts: 36
    also if you do beginer quest you get a broom from pan and lorna
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    Already been done though. When the new beginner stuff came out, a friend and I created an alt just to do the quests for the pet x'D My only option is saga and/or use nx to buy pets. Which is fine, just will take a while.
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    Which is why I'm waiting until after Lantern to do much with the other chara ;( I have another chara on Ruairi too
  • DarxianDarxian
    Mabinogi Rep: 405
    Posts: 5
    edited November 3, 2017
    I'm willing to help out whenever you need help
    Here's some character stats
    IGN: Darxian
    Highest Title: Great Warrior
    Main Title: Seasoned Battle Bard
    CP:1067 (not Base CP)
    Cooking: Rank E
    First Aid: Rank F
    Healing: Rank 9
    Bard Buff Skills: Rank 9 (average)
    Some Archery Skills (all low ranked)
    Final Hit: Rank B
    Spirit Of Order: Rank 5
    Combat Mastery: Dan 1
    Need any other info PM me IG
    Also I don't know about others (I think this is an accomplishment for me) I can solo Claimh Solas to his 2nd form after that I get rektd :P
    PS: Forever struggling to get passed 100k gold