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Closed Holiday Art Contest All Regions [SUBMISSION]
All submissions for the Holiday Art Contest (2) go here:
Server: Tarlach
Category: Traditional
Valentine's Day.
Server: Ruairi
Category: Digital
Tfw you suck at shading so you don't do it.. ;w;
(If the image is too big I'll just edit this post with the link)
IGN: Mizukih
Server: Alexina
Category: Digital
I hope it's no problem that I posted it in "spoiler" brackets ^^.
i guess i lose..
it freaking looks amazing!
Please don't say that QwQ, everyone has equal chances, and we don;t know what the voters will look for in drawings. Livelyness, colour etc etc. There are points I think I did not hit in the drawing that might be crucial
Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing your amazing drawing!
IGN: Historiaa
Server: Ruairi
Category: Digital
santa's little helper here!
hope everyone has a good december, and good luck to all
IGN: Hanakasu
Server: Tarlach
Category: Digital
tfw the rules got changed and I can't submit four images across two contests like I originally planned;;
gotta condense it into two-scene story ok!!
part 2 is gonna be confusing if it's seen in the wrong order ohboyIGN: Lilyshy
Server: Mari
Category: Traditional Art
I don't have a fireplace, but I can still dream and make my character have one
Oki almost done, but iam sure i still lose to you with your amazing drawing *sigh*
merry christmas everybody!~
(i did my best i hope it looks good TT^TT)
* iam on the right with the red christmas clothes, then you have my friend Yuki and her boyfriend Abdo*
* abdo was first the *** friend of mine that annoyed me first e.e *
IGN: pennybrenda
Server: Alexina
Category: Digital
It looks beautiful *o*!
It looks absolutely stunnin' ♥
IGN: Norachan
Sever: Alexina
Category: Traditional
Server: Tarlach
Category: Digital
I'm on the right side~ ^^ Happy Holidays everyone
full size: https://i.imgur.com/YCXG2mX.png
IGN: Sofz
Server: Ruairi
Category: Digital
Happy holidays everyone
Server: Mari
Category: Digital
I hope all of you "treet" yourself this holiday season.
Please hang your trees responsibly.
Katherz convinced me to enter for fun.finals are killing me so i don't have time, take this beauty instead
IGN: Hasmodai
Server: Ruairi
Category: Digital
Someone give this dood a medal, this is probably the most adorable picture I've seen in the whole contest, hands down. Look at their little smiley faceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ; v;
Giving presents around the holidays has always been good. Unfortunately that doesn't mean the present in question is.
IGN: Newchar500
Server: Ruairi
Category: Traditional
but it wont be extended right ? RIGGHHHTTTT ?? ?