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I'm looking to get some art to gift to my best friend as part of her Christmas present c: Maybe you'd like to draw her character, Zora? She is a sassy tomboy that is playful and loves snakes and lizards! She also has this Christmas outfit (type of shoes are up to you, feel free to draw Christmas themed piercings) if you'd like to draw something festive.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my request, and I hope you have a fun time drawing!
If possible, with the maid outfit.
Personality: Aloof, proud, but still femenine.
Good luck on your freebies, by the way.
Edit: I feel my description is lacking, but at work right now, sorry will complete it when I get back.
Here's my pathfinder character Catzi. She is the first mate of a pirate crew, and lives her life taking what she wants. She's here for a good time, not necessarily a long time. With aspirations to be admired and feared among other pirates. She uses her own claws as weapons, and has powers of teleportation, making her very hard to pin down in a single place.
It's not shown on the image, but she does have a black cat tail. And the black and white hair at the top should be switched. The white hair should be on the same side as the black star mark(if colors even matter xD)
Thanks if you decide to use her
Her expression is wonderful, and thank you so much for drawing her in that outfit
Here are my characters, if any of them happen to catch your eye!
Personality: shy, stubborn, and a little hot-headed
Personality: quiet, serious, and loyal
Personality: brash, self-righteous, and regal
I really like letting artists give my characters their own personal touch, so feel free to go crazy if you decide to work your magic! xD
As for description, I'm not sure .... since my mood changes with the outfit ^^;
Oh what, already got it done?!
Amazing, and i love how you you made her look unfriendly without looking annoying, great job, thank you very much!
he's a big goofball :P
Here's mine if you'd like to.
Loves flipping coins, strict business.
Here's mine if she interests you~
https://puu.sh/yxzkB/91aa931a5d.jpg or https://puu.sh/yvoZF/56e746a225.jpg (exclude the ears)
I LOVE IT!! Congratulations for real ;O;!!!!
I'll drop my chara here in case you feel like drawing her too ♥
She's really kind, sweet, lovely and smart even tho she's kinda clumsy and innocent sometimes! She also loves dragons and plushies, and loves to help people and play in the snow. ♥
Thank you a bunch for the chance of a freebie! and have a wonderful day ♥
Persona: split personalities, she can be the most amazing, happy, helpful squirrel in the world, but when you try and touch any of her peanuts without permission, she turns into a psychotic Yandere(if that makes sense).
He's the confident aloof type
Go for it.