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Erk... this is what i should've done but... i ended up rushing... it says a lot about you for grinding it out with/for your wife. Good game and good luck.
Do the peaca basic for the banshee and if you don't get it there, barri and math has a decent amount of dead ends. I happened to get mine in peaca normal from playing around.
Crisis Escape via Evasion, anyone?
I wouldn't really compare this to rng skills from ace talents since we can just bypass that by rbing into an ace talent and we get the skills.
And that's sort of what surprises me that they didn't make something of the sort to give us the skill by just using cash... specially since everything is gacha and cash shop lately
Also anybody know if the hornets at Scathach Forest/Beach drop the crystal that the polar hornets do? Cuz the riddle could apply there too....
wow wish i could do that. Most I can do is -1500 but that requires holdin' a shield for that last -500.
That's what I'm trying to find out. Got the 5th one in my 3rd Math dung. Did some more after that, did not get another.
So here I am wondering if I'm just not seeing them cuz they are rare or because I simply cannot get them anymore.
AR8 and AR10 are still around 1m to 3m in Alexina
You should be able to get them after you used. I ran one and got one, used it and a friend said he needed 3 for his alts and just ran another 3 to get him those. I also did the same for the 5th, Got one used it ran afew and got another