Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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PeachyOpal's Art Shop


  • MediaKleptoMediaKlepto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,865
    Posts: 186
    OK, finally back, hahaha...It took a while to get my hands on refs of my friend's character alongside mine. xD

    Your In Game Name: Alisandrea (Mari) (again xD)
    Style you'd like: Sketch
    A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) : He's a little on the formal/gentlemanly side. Princely, maybe? xD She's fairly laid back and bookish/quiet. I'd really like to see something more cute than romantic since they're not so much into the lovey-dovey stuff. As usual, go nuts and we'll see where things land. ;P

    Let me know how much or just toss me a junk item with the price whenever and I'll get it out to you~<3
  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    OK, finally back, hahaha...It took a while to get my hands on refs of my friend's character alongside mine. xD

    Your In Game Name: Alisandrea (Mari) (again xD)
    Style you'd like: Sketch
    A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) : He's a little on the formal/gentlemanly side. Princely, maybe? xD She's fairly laid back and bookish/quiet. I'd really like to see something more cute than romantic since they're not so much into the lovey-dovey stuff. As usual, go nuts and we'll see where things land. ;P

    Let me know how much or just toss me a junk item with the price whenever and I'll get it out to you~<3

    Alright!! I added you to the list, and it'd be 2.65m for the two of them. I'll send you a junk item c;
  • MediaKleptoMediaKlepto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,865
    Posts: 186
    OK, finally back, hahaha...It took a while to get my hands on refs of my friend's character alongside mine. xD

    Your In Game Name: Alisandrea (Mari) (again xD)
    Style you'd like: Sketch
    A pose/emotion/short character's personality description (Optional) : He's a little on the formal/gentlemanly side. Princely, maybe? xD She's fairly laid back and bookish/quiet. I'd really like to see something more cute than romantic since they're not so much into the lovey-dovey stuff. As usual, go nuts and we'll see where things land. ;P

    Let me know how much or just toss me a junk item with the price whenever and I'll get it out to you~<3

    Alright!! I added you to the list, and it'd be 2.65m for the two of them. I'll send you a junk item c;

    Sure thing! I'll be watching for it!
  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    edited January 4, 2018
    WIP for @Nyaa !


    I know im missing the tails, just wanna know if I got the idea right c;
  • NyaaNyaa
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,950
    Posts: 334
    @AnitaCristi Aah that is looking adorable so far! <3
    The idea is so cute, though could you have the snake coming out of the box into Zora's hands and maybe add some ribbon to the sides of box to make it look like a present, if it isn't much hassle? I feel like that way it would come off more as though the snake was the gift, if that is alright with you. Honestly it looks adorable though, I love how you've drawn both of them so far. Thank you so much for the WIP!
  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    @Nyaa I hope this is okay!

  • NyaaNyaa
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,950
    Posts: 334
    @AnitaCristi Aah that looks adorable yess <3 And goodness, I just love how you draw Rayne and Zora looks so cute, as well. Thank you so much for the changes and the WIPs! :D
  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    Wip for @Molestia !

  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    edited January 15, 2018
    U P D A T E

    I have a discord account now! If anybody finds it easier to talk through there don't hesitate to hit me up!

    You can find me as PeachyOpal#8682
  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    Hi Everyone! I'm sorry for being so inactive lately, my semester just started and i have less and less free time (i work from 8 to 5 and go to school from 6 to 10 pm). But i haven't forgotten about your comissions!

    Anyways, Lineart WIP for @Nyaa


    Thank you all for being so patient with me!
  • NyaaNyaa
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,950
    Posts: 334
    @AnitaCristi No worries at all <3 Thank you so much for the update!
    It's looking adorable so far ; u ; I'm not sure if you're already planning to add these at a later point, but could you be sure to add in Zora's earrings at some point please? c: The lineart is looking so nice! The amount of detail on Rayne's outfit is wonderful and Zora looks precious. I'm excited to see them colored. Thank you so much again <3
  • AnitaCristiAnitaCristi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 57
    @Nyaa sure thing, I'll remember to add them! I'm glad you like how it's coming out so far