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Reaching Crusader Level Cap
Fixed the image embed.
Now you could go make a bug report showing that the remaining exp at cap is untranslated.
I'm too lazy/busy for this
His server too dead for him to reach caps for this. = 3=
If I can't have bananas...I'd just go for apples instead.
the new baltane missions give a lot.
Little behind here but I believe G21 (both parts) that KR Mabinogi recently got have several new ways to get the crusader exp such as the new raid bosses with new daily/weekly crusader quests, the field bosses in Avalon also give the crusader exp, and there’s also gathering the artifacts for some crusader exp too? So it’s nice because we don’t have to rely on the party/squad for Girgashiy anymore to get the Crusader exp.