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Check this guy out, he's a legend! :)

Post: 1
in Town Square
Hey! If you're reading this, this is just a post for someone who I think deserves to be recognized in the Mabinogi community. His name is Romeo7 and he's on Alexina. He streams Mabinogi as much as he possibly can (from what I know) and he helps his viewers when he has spare time. He always tries to help people regardless if they are new, old, or returning players. I haven't known him for very long, maybe for around a week or less, but the time spent watching his stream and hanging out with him gave me a very good impression on him and I thought I would share that on the Mabinogi Forums. So, if you have the time, be sure to just pop in the stream, say hi or you came from this post or something. I think that would make his day :D

His Twitch Channel/Stream:

TLDR: You should check out Romeo7 (Alexina) at because he's a really cool and nice guy :)


  • DonzegDonzeg
    Mabinogi Rep: 430
    Posts: 11
    Oh man! I have been looking for somebody doing Mabi stuff. Only one that seems to do it currently is Mabibobo(I think that is her name) on YouTube. Will definitely check this guy out. Thanks!
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,195
    Posts: 9,188
  • TeriustheGreatTeriustheGreat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 107
    Calistarius is the biggest legend of Alexina, and he's also the greatest Mabinogi player of all time.