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Closed Dark Skintone Options for Elves!
Haha, right?
Considering with how MANY people we get all those years being extremely vocal about not only wanting black hair (which we eventually got back in 2013 while the humans and giants get the ice blue hair) but also with dark skintones... especially ever since we got the elves as a playable race when we got them back in 2009 for NA Mabinogi, why isn’t it already implemented yet? And like I stated few times before... changing the code or whatever so elves can use all the skin options that humans and giants have should be very easy to do.
Or, failing that, just give me some options, lol. :P
*sees date on the topic*
Oh wow...
Also Portia's face shape needs to be implemented. A lot of us want the long elf ears, but not the spaced out face shape that is the original "elf girl/boy face shape".
Also implementing or just SYNCING ALL BEAUTY options for all races would create more of a diverseity and uniqueness for all characters. Dark hair colors and amber eyes, etc for the elves. Light hair and eye color options for humans and giants!
Like it have been stated multiple times, there’s nothing in the Mabinogi lore that hint or mention about elves not being able to get tan/dark skintone, just only about the dark hairstyles but we ended up getting the black hair option back in 2013 anyways, lol.
But yes, you are right that we are the Milletians so the color options and such usually doesn'tmatter regardless of the race we play as and I would also love to see Portia’s face be available because it is really nice! Having more options is always nice as well!
After doing some research... I know the eye color dye or whatever it is called that KR Mabinogi got not too long ago is used to get one extra option with a randomized eye color option so you would have to use it multiple times til you actually get the eye color you want.
So DevCat May pull the similar thing by releasing the skin dye as our only way to get dark skintones for the elves... honestly, at this point, anything that let us have dark skintone for the elves would be nice.
2) Because Mabi has it's lore, and starting implementing your headcanons would go against it.
3) You are a vocal minority; a dozen is not a majority. So why would they go by (with) your whim?
You know, just to remind you who we are to them.
It is a physiological trait of elves. Just like giants being huge. I don't play them for just this reason, and if you don't play elves just because their skin is not dark enough to your liking how are you better than me? It is such a minor thing.
Regardless, I would like to see a new type of elves with, maybe, darker blue hue. Even if it's just a skin tone.
But what I want to know the most is why do you want to play an elf? For their perks or their ears? Seance it is a crucial point.
1. Yes, you are right that we basically have no say in this, however, it does not mean that we will stop pushing because I will continue to push for this and you can see that there’s a LOT of people pushing to get elves the dark skintones. Even some NA Mabinogi team are pushing to get the dark skintones for the elves because it’s basicslly the KR Mabinogi who decide to do whatever they want.
2. Oh boy, one more person who think it goes against their lore for Mabinogi to let elves have the dark skintones but actually don’t know what Mabinogi lore is... and you failed to provide any ACTUAL ingame proof where it was stated that elves aren’t allowed to have dark skin, lol.
3. The minority? LOL what?? You do realize this suggestion thread is one of the biggest threads we have in the suggestion section along with the server merge one, right? Lot of people (at this time of the forum post I wrote, we have 108 votes saying yes while we only have 11 votes saying no) plus we also get a lot of players being vocal about elves getting dark skintone options for every twitch stream NA Mabinogi do when we get a new content coming up, lol. Please tell me where did you get the amount being ‘dozen’ or how this is the ‘minority’? I’m curious to see what you have to say.
Also, I main an elf for a very looong time time and I actuslly use Pumpkin crown which is the only way I can use to get myself a tan skintone which is the closest thing to what I can have but I lose the skin as soon as I have to wear something like the Full Bohemian set.
Giants being big isn't the same as elves having dark skin tone. What are you on about?
If you had said elves having long ears is equal to giants being big, then that would make sense.
Dark skin was never "against" the elf lore in mabi, but black hair (and we eventually got black hair)
If you want a dark skin - play giants or human. Just because they gave us more hair colours for all does not mean it is a good thing. I mean what will distinguish elf from a human then? Pointy ears that can be hidden? Let's not bring the real world into the game...
Also, [profanity] ELVES!
"Let's not bring the real world into the game"
Um okay??
Either way they will most likely implement it if we keep bugging em, like they did with black hair.
And I sure as hell won't switch to a new race after hitting 40k just because of the "skin color" (I rather bug nexon about it)
Ears and facial structures distinguishes elves from humans. It doesn't matter if someone wants to hide the ears or not.
There are already examples of tanned elves and I don't see why we shouldn't get it.
I will say this again for everyone here.
Dark skin isn't against the elf lore in this game, if you don't like people suggesting it, go away.
This basically, I agree with you, Kaga!
...and I like how Mizumo purposely ignored my question where I asked for the proof where in Mabinogi does it specifically state that elves cannot have the tan/dark skintones just like what last one user did in the earlier post. PLUS I already included several screenshots where few elven NPCs does indeed have the dark skin, lol. “Let’s not bring the real world into the game”...what, how does that even make sense??
If few people who are against elves getting dark skin claim it’s because it goes against the Mabinogi lore and they do care about the Mabinogi lore, where is their outrage on elves getting black hair then? LMAO Since like lot of people here have been saying over and over again, there’s NOTHING in the Mabi lore about the dark skintones for the elves, just the black hair for the elves, so it’s extremely hypocritical.
To Zeo,
Deliberately? No, I hadn't noticed your post. I will ignore all the "lol"s and assume you are a reasonable. Lore doesn't work this way. Anything which was not mentioned is considered non-existent until it comes up further in the story. Everything else is up you your imagination. Screenshoots are not lore; only shows that these specific elves are indeed darker than others. They do however posses a value if you want to use them as the backup to "bug" devs.
1. Make an OFFICIAL moderated thread in which you give a proper convincing argumentation of why this should be implemented
2. Gather people who in short terms would get you those same 108 votes you spoke of (polls do not age well as hey tend to gather necro votes over time)
3. Write them letters with the same text that leads to this thread.
4. Enjoy your tanned elves.
The fastest way to do it. Speaking from a decade of experience.
PS. People can't have as pale skin as elves do. Care to share?
PSS. What hues do you want for elves to be added? Be more specific.
You made a drama out of this.
If it's that bad, you can simply move on, or does it hurt your feelings that bad?
Why are you still here then?
This thread already gives us proper reasons why we should be able to have dark skin tones for elves (P.S read the first page)
And I already told you, it's not just the "ears" that distinguish elves from humans, but there are is also face structures.
I am pretty sure most people wouldn't even feel offended if elves got dark skin tone.
Congratulations, you just proved that you actually did not bother to read my original post with that post because you made a list of what I should do but I actually did do ALL those following steps.
Also, you still will fully enjoy the game even if elves does end up getting the dark skintones because it’s not going to effect you in any ways, it is not going to hurt or kill you in any form and they didn’t mention anything about the dark skintone for the elves in the lore which DOES not make it non-existent, I am sorry to say that.
Also, wut... you do realize that all the current skintone option that elves have are also shared by the humans and giants so they can be as pale as the elves are because first six options they have are literally exactly the same.
Pretty much at this point, you are just trolling so please don’t waste my time unless you actually have all the proof that I asked for via ingame screenshots... otherwise, your argument isn’t resllly valid.
Guess I won't get anything adequate from you with this attitude of yours.
Also, Zeo, Kaga, you may want to switch your wrists; will see the bigger picture. Though I don't expect you to understand what it means.
Oh the irony...
You won't get anywhere because you just confirmed yourself as a troll in front of everyone. Stop embarrassing yourself and go back to kindergarten.
Also, you just jumped on this thread being all arrogant and then you tell that OP and others are the arrogant ones. Pot calling the kettle black much?
Sorry for butt in, but i have to come and tell what i see here. Dude, don't make yourself as cringe epicentre and don't get butthurt over a skin color of pixel characters lol.
Also, warning: "you"s will be used for pliral too. Not arrogance, just a cryptic hint that nobody got, seance the post is still up. So no irony there. How exactly? I stated very clear what the meaning of lore is, and he just dismissed it, saying the same things: "lol", "troll", "show me the evidence it cannot be so". When I pointed out that this poll already has necro votes due to for how long it's been up he dismissed that too (or maybe didn't get what I meant by this)
Ummm... You said what? Can you explain me this part? What are you roleplaying?