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Well, That Was Close(Or,The Headless Giant Thread)
I vaguely remember a doll I had as a child that would speak when you pulled the head out from the body. Like it said, "I lost my head over you."
So, who yanked your head off?
Edit: Thank you. I wouldn't mind it that much if not for the length and the ghosts.
Naked headless giant.
wow ultimate Phantasm Peaca Adv Abyss hardmode's Boss
More powerful than succubus queen!
Mount a hellhorse and start throwing axes at people, and you'd basically be the boss of Ghost of Partholon.
Not in this game. XD
...old image is old.
Just quoting this to extend that headless giant image just for memes.
No, no, feel free to post half nekkid male Giants in my threads anytime you want
How DID people react? :0 Tell us tell us! (please?) ^v^
EDIT: Ah whoops. I believe I found your video. Nevermind~ It's funny, it seems a ton of people just accept this lolol
How did they react the first time though? The time you said you wished you recorded?
lololol!! That sounds awesome though; I wish I had been there. I'm guessing the maintenance was to try and fix the broken mobs in Tara and to schedule the Commerce event to start running. You'll get to be a headless handsome hunk for a bit longer :P