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(Fixed) Emain/Taill/Tara Monsters Issue
Wait for that as a last resort.
I'll wait till they fix then take dan test then.
Just call me the great pacifist.
I couldn't kill a fly, even if I wanted to.
Anyways, I hope this gets fixed as soon as possible.
Are you still able to attack through other means? Like regular combat with a sword/mace, or magic with a wand, or lance combat, or shooting guns? Or are you completely stuck?
If they do, they aren't doing a very good job at it.
can say even without that glitch it was painful need to look up how to do this or think of something on my own, multi-aggro was annoying consider myself lucky I didn't get what happened to you.
I wonder if the attack range increase was already there or dan also increases it.
If i try to attack with, like, a mace, or an instrument.
I'll run up to the enemy, the enemy will fall to the ground on the spot (no knockback) with "Finish" above their head, and I'll still be stuck.
The only thing that doesn't get me stuck are indirect attacks, like Spinning Slasher, or Dance of Death.
But it still won't let me kill anything (Just "Finish")
Note: This is area based on native mobs; commercing around these areas and fighting bandits do not bug you out.
Just make sure no bears or raccoons get hit in the crossfire xD
Oh that's a relief.
I kind of just... used Spinning Slasher on the closest thing, to see the new animation, and got unlucky that it was a Spider in Emain, lol.
This... issue feels familiar, now that I think about it.
This has affected Tara/Taillteann mobs in the past before.
I don't remember the UI freezing up part as much, but it's nice that it's not my character, and just the mobs.
I wonder what caused it this time.
My husband just had the same thing happen with his Death Mark Dan test.