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Add Mailbox Coupon and Mailbox Homestead Items

Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
Posts: 430
edited December 19, 2016 in Feedback and Suggestions
IGN Samuelalex
Server Mari

This is a suggestion to implement a coupon (like the ones you get from the VIP premium daily chance and for purchase in NX shop) which allows you one time access to the functions of the mailbox i.e send an item to another person and receive items mailed to you. The coupon could have the design of an envelope to show its for the mailbox. These coupons are very helpful to access features of the game when you are not near a town like for example mid-dungeon to open blacksmithing for repairs. This coupon would work the same to let you access mailbox function anywhere in the game once purchased or received from say the daily chance (or whatever its called) where you pick and get an item randomly, it could be a reward from Festia as well, or add an alternate was for Free (non-NX buying people) players to obtain this as well.

In addition we desperately need a mailbox available to be built and functional from our homesteads for the same reasons as stated previously. We need to be able to access mailboxes from anywhere in the game without having to go out of the way to a town to pick up/send items. My idea for this could be an added part of the homes built like have a small mailbox as part of the house property that could change in design when the house is upgraded such as a really basic model for the tent then a more stylish looking one as the house gets upgrade. If not please make this a one square item which can be placed on a homestead and function exactly as the current mailboxes do in the game to send and receive items.


  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Oooh, a mailbox in my homestead. Sounds like yet another nice addition we direly need.
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    I would +1 a mailbox in my homestead!!
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    Yes! It would make homeseads SO MUCH usefull aside from animal gathering and it would give me an excuse to go in more often, since i got bored of collecting dyes c:
  • SAY_NO_toninjarevampSAY_NO_toninjarevamp
    Mabinogi Rep: 460
    Posts: 4
    You might as well provide a bank in the homestead. And a shop. And everything else you particularly need.

    In addition, the coupon suggestion is useful, but I'd vote for auction house before that. IIRC auction house can be accessed anywhere a homestead can be accessed. The bonus is that it has already been implemented in KR, and thus' will have a higher chance of implementation.

    Also about the mailbox coupon, how can we be sure it is not open to abuse? When you consider a change you have to understand the situation of all servers because we seldom get important game-changing region specific features, unlike other servers. In fact I cannot recall a single one (not trying to offend anyone here, just stating a relevant observation).

    I'm pretty sure if you dig hard enough mailboxes have an improper usage (events? instance specific items?). If it is a risky feature to implement, it's going to take a lot of dev time. Based on that, I believe further consideration should be given before simply saying "YES". However, a repair/shop seems to already be in the game in the form of partners and a pet, so I would say those are easy additions. You're asking for a coupon revamp instead if you're thinking of implementing that into your new coupon. And I would look forward to a VIP revamp instead, as it would offer more benefit (especially the way other servers have approached it). The devs can't approach everything at once.

    These aren't bad suggestions. I just question if they would ever make it out of the suggestion phase. Because a lot of our feature set is localized from other servers, suggestions are extremely unlikely to make any change unless they've already been implemented in one form.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    I agree that it would make homesteads a bit more useful. Right now my homestead is filled with useless herbs (potion making isn't worth it), dye wells (boring), fishing hole (probably the most-used prop I have) and no-function decorations.
    BUT, I do not think that adding features for the sake of convenience will cause the features already in the game obsolete. Why go to a repair shop, mailbox, bank, or all the way to the entrance of a dungeon when you can just hop into your homestead?
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    This topic is for mailbox feature to be available more accessible because right now its very inconvenient to run halfway across the area just to pickup mail then run all the way back (example here: say your in a dungeon and want to mail reward you got to someone else you could simply go to your homestead mail it then return back to dungeon lobby and keep going. even using moongates would still lengthen this process depending which town you are in and where the bank is located since mailbox is normally nearby).

    As for coupons/ homestead items making features obsolete it doesn't. It makes the more available in easier to get places. Example here the alchemy ovens in Tail being on your homestead also. It doesn't mean the people in tail won't use the ovens there it just means you now have an alternate way of accessing those ovens incase you don't want to travel to Tail to use them. That's kind of the point I was trying to make is to have these features available in different forms to make it easier on the players to use them such as the coupons being available to quickly send/receive items while say mid-dungeon or in a shadow mission where mailbox is normally not available or secondly you can access mailbox from homestead to avoid traveling out of the way to a town to pick up/send items.

    If these features are added I don't see a reason why they couldn't be carried over to other servers as well if they want to use them. Kind of like when other servers get new events and items then NA gets it sometime later same thing. If NA gets something new they could implement it in a patch elsewhere later on.

  • ChakylinChakylin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,125
    Posts: 24
    ...mailboxes in homesteads.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Sure, perhaps it's something they might include in a future homestead housing update.
    [Deleted User]
  • LadameLadame
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 159
    I have been craving homestead mail boxes for years. +1
    [Deleted User]
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    Homestead Quest Board, Party Board, Market Board?
    Homestead Shadow Mission Entrance, Homestead Mana Tunnel / Moon Gate, Homestead Repair NPCs, Homestead Bank??
    Homestead homesteads.
    Ladame[Deleted User]
  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    Before that, I'd like to imagine mailboxes that are props, not NPCs.

    Why does a mailbox need a HP bar???
    [Deleted User]YangKoete
  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    Yes, exactly. That's exactly the point where most players who were around in 2011 realised that mailboxes really shouldn't have HP bars.
  • ChakylinChakylin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,125
    Posts: 24
    edited February 11, 2018
    Homestead Quest Board, Party Board, Market Board?
    Homestead Shadow Mission Entrance, Homestead Mana Tunnel / Moon Gate, Homestead Repair NPCs, Homestead Bank??
    Homestead homesteads.

    I want my homestead to be its own continent.
  • YangKoeteYangKoete
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,185
    Posts: 266
    I would like having an HS mailbox. Maybe include it with the house upgrades?
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    Change the background to the outlaw bandit homestead pls. k. thanks.