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Hello all,
I've decided to start hosting Concerts again.
They will take place in my Homestead, If you want to come you will have to add me.
(However I probably will not add you back due to friendlist space reasons so you will have to find me in your offline lists.)
The concerts will take place every saturday at 5pm pst (8pm est) and end at 7pm pst (10pm est)
- Do not overplay
- Do not go on stage unless it is your turn
- No duels
- No mini gems that make loud noises
- Do not cut in line
- If you need to test a song ask someone to hold your spot for you
- No transformations
- Do not loop songs
- No skill spamming
*Regarding freestyle jams
Please refrain from using single scores songs all the time.
*Regarding Songs
You may play anything you want even it isnt your own work but dont claim it as your own.
Try not to replay the same songs multiple times per concert
There is a zero tolerance rule on playing songs that are just static noise or otherwise harmful
Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning, followed by a kick, and then a ban.
If there is anything you feel I left out please let me know
Hope to see you there.
I know there's lots of pros to hosting it in an hs, but outside seems a lot more free. I don't really have any ideas as to where, since the Emain concert hall is a hassle now.
Also, has anyone come to the concert? I'll most likely have a hit/miss with mostly misses since my schedule's everywhere. Hosting one every week seems like a lot of work. Wouldn't hosting them only when some people volunteer and some people are coming, be less work?
I only do in it in my hs because this being Alexina people have tendency to come troll concerts whenever i host one.
Theres never not been someone who does it. Basically if i don't use bugles no one will come, posting on the forums or making a party ads doesn't bring people in like bugles do. However if you bugle tons of people will show up, trolls too.
The last time i hosted i had like 10+ people showed up to my hs concert that was during the summer. Yesterday only one person came and I didnt have any bugles.
Basically nobody wants to do concerts anymore on alexina it seems.
Yes it is on all servers.