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Race Change Potion!


  • MistyInfernoMistyInferno
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 5
    edited May 23, 2017
    Maia wrote: »
    I think this has been suggested countless times. Regardless, allowing people to change race would discourage people from starting over on other characters and spending more money. I doubt it'll happen.

    That being said, we do have a ton of free cards to reroll whenever we want even though we lose progress, and not a lot of people make tons of alts anyway. I suspect the revenue from Mabinogi still mostly comes from gachas or pets.
  • FoxieeFoxiee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 71
    Updateing the disscussion a bit. Honestly for older players who where before Elves/giants this might be a nice thing honestly.
  • JoeyDee9JoeyDee9
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,165
    Posts: 198
    Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator
    If it means I can change into an elf I'm down. Even if it means losing the AP I spent on lances/FH.
  • RiwerRiwer
    Mabinogi Rep: 725
    Posts: 26
    I got master bard and then realized I wanted to be an elf, I didn't feel like spending another 2 years training bard just to be an elf, so I kept going as a dumb human.
  • NinzerkerNinzerker
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,640
    Posts: 70
    Milletians changing races?
    Already happened, Shakespeare mentioned doing just that during G16
    It's already in the cannon, and it really wouldn't be that hard to do
    Skills should transfer, You know what Giants need for their new crossbow skills? Mirage Missile! How bout a dual wielding elf? A human switching between defend and windguard? Through sufficient time and training the only thing that should really segregate the races should be personal taste.
    Things that should not transfer are the Transformations, at least not without going through the proper questlines to unlock the one for your new race and still be exclusive to the options available to the current race

    It would also give the players that already have everything maxed out something to do other than stand around looking pretty
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Ninzerker wrote: »
    Milletians changing races?
    Already happened, Shakespeare mentioned doing just that during G16
    It's already in the cannon, and it really wouldn't be that hard to do
    Skills should transfer, You know what Giants need for their new crossbow skills? Mirage Missile! How bout a dual wielding elf? A human switching between defend and windguard? Through sufficient time and training the only thing that should really segregate the races should be personal taste.
    Things that should not transfer are the Transformations, at least not without going through the proper questlines to unlock the one for your new race and still be exclusive to the options available to the current race

    It would also give the players that already have everything maxed out something to do other than stand around looking pretty

    You couldn't have said it better than I would have... even in G16 finale where someone get to RP as Shakespeare... he's currently a human but is able to use Wind Guard, Mirage Missile, Taunt, Final Shot, etc... and it was stated in the storyline that the Milletian also can switch around the race...

    I already supported the idea of being able to change the race from one of my previous posts here but if switching races mean I can get to keep FH, Arrow Revolver, Wind Guard, Lance skillset, etc... when I go back as an elf, I'd actually switch to human and giant to train all those skills to r1 then switch back to an elf again while keeping the stats you gain from the skills (and some of them would still be useable). If Shakespeare (which is the first Milletian) can do it... why can't we?
  • RaintheswordRainthesword
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,905
    Posts: 56
    I'd totally buy one if they did make it, than I could convert to the giant master race from my plebian human form.
  • FarseerarentaFarseerarenta
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 77
    hm.......while i doubt it will ever happen due to complications with skills.

    i do wish it would.
    though first (being gone so long) i need to check a few things (if elves have idol ponytail + black hair)
    if they do, and the potion becomes available....i'd probably change from human to elf. i'd miss 2h swords but honestly everything i tend to use is there (alchemy, speed, hide, and bow)

    guess i'll find out when i get home from work
  • KidyKidy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 23
    I think this would be awesome.
    Even if you didn't get bonus stats for switching races.
    I want to switch to a human really bad, but don't want to retrain all my life skills.
    If they could make it so all skills that are available between races would stay the same, and just return AP for race specific skills, I'd be happy.
    I just don't wanna be an elf anymore. ;n;
  • asdfasdfasdfasdfadsfasdfasdfasdfasdfadsf
    Mabinogi Rep: 330
    Posts: 8
    I want to be an elf for the movement speed....

    Humans are slow as molasses.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    edited February 14, 2018
    You can already change gender and age at rebirth, why not race as well.

    Depending on which goddess you follow for demigod you have different skills available to you. When you switch back and forth between the two goddesses, skills get reactivated and deactivated. Meanwhile your ranking progress is preserved. This mechanic should be easily applied to changing race.

    There might be snags with respect to elf/giant suddenly being married to each other, but if Elf/Giant wedding (with free choice of venue for the ceremony) is allowed then that should not be a problem.

    If one is an allied human and wants to rebirth to the non-allied race that might be a problem especially if they are married to a non-human. Since the Elf/Giant war is over then maybe they could just nerf the whole ally business. Okay we lose the free assistant character cards, so either say too bad or just add a free giant and free elf card to those accounts that have not yet used the option.
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    I wouldnt mind this, sadly doubt it will ever happen though e_e they are to lazy to do something like this, hell they wont even take the invisible pillar out of belvast..

    :O i would love for a new race though..-again something that wont happen but it would be nice.
  • EkaterinEkaterin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 66
    There are race-specific skills, race-specific actions, race-based stats and bonuses to certain skills. There would be a huge number of minor fixes that would need to be done, would probably cause a lot of bugs. It's not really a viable idea with how the game is structured.

    Want to play multiple races? Make multiple characters.
  • OdinwolfeOdinwolfe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 103
    Ekaterin wrote: »
    There are race-specific skills, race-specific actions, race-based stats and bonuses to certain skills. There would be a huge number of minor fixes that would need to be done, would probably cause a lot of bugs. It's not really a viable idea with how the game is structured.

    Want to play multiple races? Make multiple characters.

    I would love to have a .5 second magnum shot cooldown, but I don't want to start over from 13,000 total level.

  • EkaterinEkaterin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 66
    Odinwolfe wrote: »
    Ekaterin wrote: »
    There are race-specific skills, race-specific actions, race-based stats and bonuses to certain skills. There would be a huge number of minor fixes that would need to be done, would probably cause a lot of bugs. It's not really a viable idea with how the game is structured.

    Want to play multiple races? Make multiple characters.

    I would love to have a .5 second magnum shot cooldown, but I don't want to start over from 13,000 total level.

    Then you don't really want it THAT badly, do you?

    Sure, as a 12k Giant, I'd love to have final hit, but it's not worth the effort for that one thing.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    I want to be an elf for the movement speed....

    Humans are slow as molasses.

    agreed, as a human I get a 14% speed boost (1% from my first title, 2% from my second title, 1% from a goose feather totem, and 10% from fleet feet) and I still feel like a turtle. mostly picked human cause dual swords, berserk, final hit, and a few other skills that elves can't get.
  • TenrainTenrain
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 15
    I'd be all for the idea! You only realize the skillset at the end of the game you want :( Maybe if theres a elve revamp like the giant one we could get an opportunity?????
  • FalmostaFalmosta
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 68
    NekoLily wrote: »
    It would be a good idea but: how it could be applied with the race exclusive transformations?
    - Human: Paladin/Dark Knight
    - Elf: Falcon
    - Giant: Beast

    I mean there is a system for changing ranks from one transformation to the other. with paladin dark knight so........ that's already a thing.
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,435
    Posts: 64
    edited April 1, 2018
    Multiposts have been merged.

    I know how about updating the dressing room and adding ears different types ^_^ If they can do eyes mouth why not ears
    and if thats to much they can do the easy way and add a gachapon of fake elf ear ^^ or free haha
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    edited April 2, 2018
    Yes to race change potion, but only if it costs money. $20 to change race. $20 to change name. $20 to change server.