The following was translated into Engrish with Google Translate
**=(Noted Visual Change)
**Agricultural land
It is a field where crops can be planted, and various crops can be grown depending on the level of the farm.
You can raise animal sheep, rooster, hen, cow and collect.
The maintenance cost depends on the animal, and the penalty is applied if the maintenance cost is insufficient. You can cancel the penalty status by paying the maintenance fee again.
Romantic farm housing
If the housing is a house or a residence, you can enter the house and use the room inside the housing.
(The camp or Igloo can not enter the house. Please use it after upgrading to the house.)
Installation, Edit menu

Switch to edit mode: Click on the facility to move or delete it.

Install the facility: You can install furniture, study room, or change the shape of the wall / floor.

Call the Butler Brownies: You can talk to your butler brownies to hear about your home or issue invitations.

Housing information: You can check the status of the housing or move to a room.
One study room can be set up in one room through the study room setup menu.
After setting up the first stage study group, it is possible to upgrade to the second stage at a certain cost.
Research Projects
Only one research project can be performed at a time, and research projects can be completed after a certain period of time.
When you complete your research assignments, you will acquire know-how points for each type of study.
If a typical decorative furniture facility is installed in the same room, an inspiration index will be provided to the
research team. The more the inspiration index is, the more know-how points can be obtained when completing the research project.
(You can check the know-how / research area / inspiration index information by pressing the housing information button on the left of the screen.)

Research effect
You can activate the research effect buff by consuming the know-how points. (**Most likely Kon)
When you train talent skill in research effect field, you receive a skill training experience bonus.
Buffs apply to all characters in the romantic farm.

Recommendation of romantic farm
Recommended feature
When leaving the romantic farm visited, you can give a recommendation point by choosing the good point of the farm.
Romantic is a beautiful and romantic farm, and other sectors are ranked when recommended when farms are good for training those skills.
You can recommend several romantic farms a day, and recommended farms the next day. (Recommended once a day by farm)
Romantic farm board
Total ranking is calculated based on the sum of the recommended points for each category received in the last 3 months.
You can check the romantic farm bulletin board through the romantic farm menu at the bottom.
You can check your overall ranking or sector-specific recommendation scores on the romantic farm bulletin board and visit the marked farms.
*Ranking and referral scores are updated every hour, and only romantic farms that received referral scores within the last three months are shown.
and 8 others.
what a time to be alive
(seriously Mari-ans, If ya see me, Sphyra, go ahead and check out my HS. I like for ppl to tour it ^^.)
But seriously, I'm hyped for this as well.
Also, not ready for ppl to go to my homestead in a different channel only to find out I need to CC and go to that channel and log off and relog to access my homestead in the channel I was currently in. Especially when you have a shop open.
They need to fix the Favorites in homesteads when people lock them up so that people don't have to wait for the unlock to go to the homestead to un-favorite the homesteads.
Other than that.......excited to see some changes to the homestead in general. Still shopping for someone to sell the expansion tickets.
There should be more wine grape and fruit fermentation options
- Lezarro Grapes
- Eluned Grapes
- Wild Grapes
- Homestead Grapes (if Farming skill rank 1+, they are called "Player_name Grapes")
- Apples, Honey, Wheat, Cactus fruit, fish, anything that can be fermented with the new cooking ranks.
This please, that would be awesome
I'd love to keep looking for more details, but there seems to be a regular website maintenance.
It's more likely that the new crops will either yield nothing (visual addition, same as the old ones), or work like standard gathering nodes found in Tir and Dunbarton fields.
This is more of a guess based on that Weeding Hoe. Won't exactly know for sure yet.
Oh yeah, also... KR did this Lorna and Pan thing... I think it's about this update. I really have no idea.
Btw, apparently her name is Lola in KR, kinda fun.
Youtube video description google translated:
Published on Feb 22, 2018
2/22 (Thu) There have been a number of improvements to the Militians so that they can enjoy Mabinogi more easily. We will continue to work with Mabinogi in a better environment in the future!
Can't tell if the translated comments section is trolling, or if the KR community actually likes this.
Anyways, expect to keep seeing Lorna and Pan around in the foreseeable future... the KR devs are making improvements after all.
A KR Youtuber, Light Mocha mentions the word Premium Plus... not sure if we should worry yet guys, but here's his video.
He walks you through the questline, so if you don't wanna listen, skip to 9:21
(My boyfriend said from his relative understanding of Korean, if you have premium it'll take 0 gold to renovate, but otherwise there will be a price in gold you have to pay.)
Thats the "camp bed" we have it on our server it came from
That is amazing. Thank you for the information, shame I missed that event :^(
And even mushrooms.
Even Gold Mushrooms!
I haven't read about any more herbs though.
No mandrake/antidote/poison herb patches? :C