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Coming Back To Mabi

Mabinogi Rep: 1,090
Posts: 29
edited March 25, 2018 in General Chat
So I've been back playing Mabi again for like maybe the 100th time. Every time I quit the game & come back I end up quitting again. I've never really found a way to explain why until now.

Coming back to play Mabi again is like when Selena Gomez gets back with Justin Bieber. It's fun & actually can be kind of sweet at first. There's a new event, maybe a skill or 2 to learn. You can see old friends again or make new friends. And then the lag hits again. You find that quest that's still impossible to do, no matter how strong your character gets. You get disconnected randomly...all of the time. A new gacha comes out & it's gacha this gacha that. Your friends are all gone or AFK. And then you remember why you quit to begin with...Mabi never really changes.

Mabi still hasn't changed. It's still the exact same game that I played before I left & it's still the exact same game I play today. Which is kind of sad. I've played other games before & I've never seen a game like Mabi. I love being able to customize my character and do whatever I want, instead of being limited or defined by a class or role. I don't think that the developers quite understand how unique of a game it is. Being unique isn't enough though. Each time I come back, I see fewer & fewer people playing. Nobody from my friends list has played in months. Channel 1 isn't full on a Saturday night. There aren't people at Tara or Tal doing dailies.

I just hope that if I quit again, there will still be a Mabi to come back to later...


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited March 26, 2018
    Stop right there with the pop crap and grow up. kek.

    Gacha is killing this game. It has been acknowledged here and there that NA is WAY effing different than KR's economy. Eventually they are gonna have to address it (either adversely or effectively). However we have endured over a decade officially. There are not a lot of games out there that maintained the community we have today.

    Mabinogi can be pretty daunting and overwhelming at times, but the point of this game is to CONNECT while you improve OVER TIME. That has always been the point. To grow with each other! Don't get triggered by what you have not attained yet. That will come in time. You need friends more than stats.
  • ConnConn
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,370
    Posts: 30
    lostheaven wrote: »
    I just hope that if I quit again, there will still be a Mabi to come back to later...

    Honestly. I've played several mmos and have seen them either go bankrupt or lose a massive amount of players. Mabi is one of those. Although I have to agree, mabi is different. And I hope it will stay forever.
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    I agree.. Gachupons is all over it seems and its kind of upsetting.. The amount of Afk people to is as well. As for lag, Yea i get it and its not fun, but when my connection is good, doesnt mean there still isnt issues. And if your from the EU you can hardly play- Or so two of my friends have experienced. Their connections are great but on mabi, everything is delayed so they cant even do much.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Gaea wrote: »
    Stop right there with the pop crap and grow up. kek. :#

    Gacha is killing this game. It has been acknowledged here and there that NA is WAY effing different than KR's economy. Eventually they are gonna have to address it (either adversely or effectively). However we have endured over a decade officially. There are not a lot of games out there that maintained the community we have today.

    Mabinogi can be pretty daunting and overwhelming at times, but the point of this game is to CONNECT while you improve OVER TIME. That has always been the point. To grow with each other! Don't get triggered by what you have not attained yet. That will come in time. You need friends more than stats.

    You don't need friends when you have high enough stats though...

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Stop right there with the pop crap and grow up. kek. :#

    Gacha is killing this game. It has been acknowledged here and there that NA is WAY effing different than KR's economy. Eventually they are gonna have to address it (either adversely or effectively). However we have endured over a decade officially. There are not a lot of games out there that maintained the community we have today.

    Mabinogi can be pretty daunting and overwhelming at times, but the point of this game is to CONNECT while you improve OVER TIME. That has always been the point. To grow with each other! Don't get triggered by what you have not attained yet. That will come in time. You need friends more than stats.

    You don't need friends when you have high enough stats though...


    Or a life.
  • bunny11bunny11
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,040
    Posts: 62
    edited March 28, 2018
    I disagree that gacha is killing the game, they just need to merge the servers and add more dungeons.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    bunny11 wrote: »
    I disagree that gacha is killing the game, they just need to merge the servers and add more dungeons.

    Before any of that, they should fix the things that need fixed, such as the CP issue with mobs now.
    Many things are also due for a revamp (spirit weapons to be an example).
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    Sherri wrote: »
    bunny11 wrote: »
    I disagree that gacha is killing the game, they just need to merge the servers and add more dungeons.

    Before any of that, they should fix the things that need fixed, such as the CP issue with mobs now.
    Many things are also due for a revamp (spirit weapons to be an example).

    I don't think gacha is ruining the game at all, there's been a few really overpowered gacha but they've been really tame lately. I do wish we'd get more updates that fix old bugs etc though.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Sherri wrote: »
    bunny11 wrote: »
    I disagree that gacha is killing the game, they just need to merge the servers and add more dungeons.

    Before any of that, they should fix the things that need fixed, such as the CP issue with mobs now.
    Many things are also due for a revamp (spirit weapons to be an example).

    I don't think gacha is ruining the game at all, there's been a few really overpowered gacha but they've been really tame lately. I do wish we'd get more updates that fix old bugs etc though.

    I think that a Gacha focused approach is "killing" Mabinogi, in terms of it being a game, so to say. Rank 1 reforged X-Grade equipment. Training potions. New clothing, but no manuals. Powerful enchants, or enchants on equipment that is not naturally possible.

    Where once was a focus of Mabinogi as both a work of creativity and a commercial product, now favours it's money making potential and less of it as a game.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    I wish more outfits would be released in bags with perhaps idle animated versions being released in the gachas. Also, make the beauty stuff pon-based instead of coupon based (seriously, Nexon is shooting themselves in the foot with the coupon system) and update the older hairstyles so new players can have something nice to start out with. We could use an update on those textures of those old outfits/armors from days gone by as well.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Leinei wrote: »
    I wish more outfits would be released in bags with perhaps idle animated versions being released in the gachas. Also, make the beauty stuff pon-based instead of coupon based (seriously, Nexon is shooting themselves in the foot with the coupon system) and update the older hairstyles so new players can have something nice to start out with. We could use an update on those textures of those old outfits/armors from days gone by as well.

    The coupon system was and currently is implemented in the worst way possible, and satisfies no one. It angers me to the point of homocidal ideation. I mean #$@!ing seriously? Let me permanently unlock some hair without any headache, for #@$!ing #@$! sakes.

    I am not going to buy any more hair coupons if I waste 10 or even 50 million gold on a one time deal. I am not that wealthy. And due to this, I perhaps won't be purchasing a gachapon full of such items either.

    The thing I love of the customization is always choice. Having players obligated to stick to one hair style, because of the avarice that blinds them to simple conveniences that would improve the quality of life for many players without, or even enhancing, the current system, is bollocks. Complete #$@!!
  • KimCheolsuKimCheolsu
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 127
    Sherri wrote: »
    bunny11 wrote: »
    I disagree that gacha is killing the game, they just need to merge the servers and add more dungeons.

    Before any of that, they should fix the things that need fixed, such as the CP issue with mobs now.
    Many things are also due for a revamp (spirit weapons to be an example).

    *cheers* SPIRIT WEAPONS update!
    *cheers* SPIRIT WEAPONS update!
    Leinei wrote: »
    I wish more outfits would be released in bags with perhaps idle animated versions being released in the gachas. Also, make the beauty stuff pon-based instead of coupon based (seriously, Nexon is shooting themselves in the foot with the coupon system) and update the older hairstyles so new players can have something nice to start out with. We could use an update on those textures of those old outfits/armors from days gone by as well.

    I would've changed my hair 100 times by now if I didn't get that 1st or 2nd expensive hair coupon. Which means I would've spent more money and contributed more to mabi but...if Nexon thinks this is the better way to go... *sigh*. *whispers* okay... maybe only 50 times... >>

    Even now, when there's that "save" coupon, I'd rather it just all just be pon... Why's there have to be this superior system of non-permanent coupons that only come from gachapon.
  • DaktaroDaktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    lostheaven wrote: »
    I've played other games before & I've never seen a game like Mabi. I love being able to customize my character and do whatever I want, instead of being limited or defined by a class or role. I don't think that the developers quite understand how unique of a game it is. Being unique isn't enough though. Each time I come back, I see fewer & fewer people playing. Nobody from my friends list has played in months. Channel 1 isn't full on a Saturday night. There aren't people at Tara or Tal doing dailies.
    basically ^

    the game is a mess in some ways and has the potential to be so much better :(

    agree with everything bliss said about nexon shoving things in gacha that should be used to encourage players to play the actual game instead...
    the amount of training potion in gacha especially is just ridiculous

    things that have been broken in the game for years and known about by devs
    sure maybe NA can't fix them without patches from KR or permission from KR idk how it works
    but does KR not care about NA quality of the game to bother fixing it? is the code just such a train wreck and so unreadable it really can't be fixed?
    i get some bugs aren't making the game unplayable but if nothing gets done about them they pile up and hurt the quality of the game

    the existence of beauty coupons is messy
    the existence of multiple of the same wings but different fixed colours instead of one dyeable one is messy

    it bothers me so much that they finally added face cosmetic for different face shapes rather than just one, but 1. they're coupons... and 2. they didn't add it for all face shapes...
    eg. elf male has 3 face shapes, (A) can wear all face cosmetic, (B) can wear only blank or blush and (C) can wear only blank or freckles
    what is the logic
    The thing I love of the customization is always choice. Having players obligated to stick to one hair style, because of the avarice that blinds them to simple conveniences that would improve the quality of life for many players without, or even enhancing, the current system, is bollocks. Complete #$@!!
    this ^

  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    What I'd like is if consuming the coupon unlocked that hairstyle and you could switch to it free by using pon. Nexon still gets their gacha cash initially, we get more freedom (Because **** paying 6k nx to change my hair)
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Daktaro wrote: »

    things that have been broken in the game for years and known about by devs
    sure maybe NA can't fix them without patches from KR or permission from KR idk how it works
    but does KR not care about NA quality of the game to bother fixing it? is the code just such a train wreck and so unreadable it really can't be fixed?
    i get some bugs aren't making the game unplayable but if nothing gets done about them they pile up and hurt the quality of the game

    Hey, guys, remember how many teams have worked on this game? The original team is no longer around which caused massive issues when Iria debuted. The original code of the game is a black box (best I've heard it described) and figuring it out has been so difficult that past directors just simply started putting stuff on top of it. I'm not sure if it's still active, but in KR they have/had a team of Bug Busters that are/were dedicated to finding and fixing bugs. I remember we actually had a long-time bug repaired because of them maybe a year ago (can't remember which one, but I know people were happy) and if you actually look at PATCH NOTES you see what issues have been fixed. -_-
  • DaktaroDaktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    Leinei wrote: »
    I'm not sure if it's still active, but in KR they have/had a team of Bug Busters that are/were dedicated to finding and fixing bugs.
    oh sweet!! +_+ hope it's still active
    Leinei wrote: »
    I remember we actually had a long-time bug repaired because of them maybe a year ago (can't remember which one, but I know people were happy) and if you actually look at PATCH NOTES you see what issues have been fixed. -_-
    dang.. i only came back to mabi for the 10th anniversary and they didn't have posts for patch notes when i last played, around april 2017
    only noticed that some old bugs were still around and some new ones
    that's great they do patch notes now :'D
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    I think I remember hearing about a thread where Homestead houses will be acting like the housing channel ones in the future.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I'd collect hair like pokemon if I could, but I can't. Because there is no way to truly perma unlock them. 50. MILLION. GOLD.
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    If this is still being talked about till this day then mabi is doomed.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Animemabi wrote: »
    If this is still being talked about till this day then mabi is doomed.

    If what is being talked about to this day? Coming back?