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Reeacat's Artshop :3 *** Full(3/3) ***
That's correct
Can't wait to see the color added to everyone's~
Thanks Seddie! are you... Hitsuji? ( ' w ' ) !!? (sorry if I'm wrong.. I'm getting confuzzled with all the ids through forum, IG to discord ==;)
Yep, that's right! Sorry, I forgot to mention that~
Thanks Evee for commissioning, I had a lot of fun painting your lovely characters
sassy Arro (SW)
Sassy Arro-chan
Woah, my char lookin good, thanks @reeacat!
Just dropping by to publicly state how much I love this. That's all. <333
Just look at that cake
Aaaaa thank you so much ♥
aww thanks Katherz
one more to go for may
Thanks for commissioning