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Lower Body Muscle Hot Springs
Not that this would ever happen, but I sometimes think it would be cool if we had two lower body muscle hot springs. We already have the upper. And there's plenty of room to add more springs.
Except I'm at a loss at what we would call them. Leg Day Hot Springs increases lower muscles and That Thigh Gap Hot Springs decreases lower muscles????
I disagree about the rejuvination spring. I would agree with you if it was possible to bottle water from the spring and use in in a dungeon/mission for pot poisoining/healing, but the inconvenience of having to go all the way to Zardine to heal seems an acceptable trade-off in my opinion. Also, I'm sure plenty of people will get angry if it's taken away.
I do, however, greatly like and enjoy your idea about there being more hot springs (and having those springs be randomized). I think that would be fun!!
Omg yes
-Every male character.
But...but but it's a dual set of hotsprings! One which will increase lower body and one which will decrease! Surely the increase one will interest this particular population?
*Imagines a bunch of self conscious dudes just chilling, with the entire spring being a writhing and compact mass of low self esteem full to the brim, with a line forming*
"So...what brings you guys to this...."
*Everyone gives him a forlorn look*
lol imagine if there was one to make women younger. hoo boy...
"Steamy Desperation" -A Mabinovel by Blissfulkill