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Let us seal chairs

Member Daktaro
Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
Posts: 282
in Feedback and Suggestions
^ Basically the title

I'm scared i'm gonna lose my items somehow probably from a dumb mistake
Can't use seal scrolls on chairs, only on equips


  • Member Bronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited May 3, 2018
    I'm curious as to what situations you find yourself in where deleting everything not locked is a concern, but I also don't really see a reason why we couldn't lock the item, unless it requires some sort of uber personalization effect on equipment that can't be replicated for 'items'. Dunno what else could/would need to be locked though, but I wouldn't see a reason for consumables, for instance.
  • Member Daktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    I'm curious as to what situations you find yourself in where deleting everything not locked is a concern, but I also don't really see a reason why we couldn't lock the item, unless it requires some sort of uber personalization effect on equipment that can't be replicated for 'items'. Dunno what else could/would need to be locked though, but I wouldn't see a reason for consumables, for instance.

    accidentally dropping things mostly. cuz of where I live i get a lot of lag and connection issues, and if it happens suddenly and i'm moving things around in inv can drop it. then if i drop something and disconnect... it can disappear...
    there's just a couple items i own that either hold a lot of value to me personally, or i paid a lot for lol that i'm so scared of losing
    sealing items prevents them from being dropped.
  • Member asnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    I'm not sure if it applies but there is also a setting option on expensive when you try to drop notifies you before you decide to drop it.
  • Member Daktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    edited May 4, 2018
    asnscorpio wrote: »
    I'm not sure if it applies but there is also a setting option on expensive when you try to drop notifies you before you decide to drop it.

    ya, i have it turned on always. but it goes by "npc store" value, doesn't account for price sold by players or if it was from a gacha etc. so you can just drop chairs.
  • Member Valenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    edited May 4, 2018
    I second this.. Because lost my coffin and piano trying trying to sort my bags.. Glad the game is just low enough population where i was to pick everything up and not lose it.