Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Your Personal Dealer [current talent: Blacksmith]

Mabinogi Rep: 820
Posts: 33
edited May 3, 2020 in Alexina Marketplace
Sup, look who's back baby. Gonna update whenever I feel like it; maybe once every season or so. As of this update, I cleaned out some items here cuz I either don't have it anymore or feel that no one would care about these clothes, but if you want my full Dressing Room inventory feel free to DM in Discord (could also NM/Add in-game but I can't share screenshots in-game). If you have any questions at all regarding this post then feel free to NM/Add to DM me. IGN is at the bottom of the post.

~~~~ Selling List: ~~~~
[Note: this is pretty unorganized and HALF sorted by the Dressing Room. Will put some BB coding to differentiate gender specific clothing later — for now they will be labeled as (<=M, >=F)]

### Equipments ###


-Dustin Silver Knight Armor (S grade) </>
-Dark Knight Armor F (Basic/Avenger r1[clean]) >
-Vito Crux Armor (X grade) </>
-Terra Ancient Pattern Wear <
-Terra Gothic Full Dress >
-Karis Wizard Suit (X grade) </>
-Casual Jumpsuit <
-Two Piece Overall Set >
-Dowra's Outfit >
-Clover Pig Costume F >
-Hawaiian Swimsuit M <
-Devil Costume M <
-Vampire Hunter Outfit M <
-Snowboard Outfit M <
-Santa's Helper Outfit M <
-Santa's Helper Outfit F >
-Bunny Parka Outfit M <
-Royal Academy Casual Uniform M <
-Royal Academy Formal Uniform M <
-Royal Academy Formal Uniform F >
-Royal Academy Assistant Teacher Outfit F >
-Royal Academy Math Teacher Outfit M <
-Royal Academy Home Ec Teacher Outfit F >
-Fallen Fairy Suit M <
-Reaper's Outfit M <
-Otherworldly Hanbok Suit M <
-Pitch Black Uniform <
-Matsuri Yukata M <
-Jeweler Dress F >
-Private Academy Riding Uniform M <
-Black Swan Suit M <
-Abaddon Sovereign Wear F >
-Winter Royal Formal Suit M <


-Volume Beret </>
-Broad-brimmed Feather Hat (X grade) </>
-Handicraftsman's Bandana </>
-Eyepatch </>
-Pilgrim Hat F >
-Tara Infantry Helmet M (Vine r1[clean]) <
-Tara Infantry Helmet Giant F (Vine r1[clean]) >
-Zorro Mask </>
-Cheetah Headband </>
-Shamaness Hair Band >
-Bonnet (r1[clean]) >
-Devil Horn F >
-Vampire Hunter Hat M <
-Skate Helmet M <
-Cat Helm </>
-Kitsune Headband </>
-Wiggling Tanuki Headband </>
-Battle School Eyepatch F >
-Pumkinface Hat </>
-Winter Prince Wreath <
-Winter Princess Coronet >
-Wiggling Bear Headband </>
-Wiggling Sheep Headband </>
-Laighlinne Eye Patch >
-Coco's Hairpin (r1[clean]) >
-Lymilark Choir Hat F >
-Folded Dog Ear Headband </>
-Sturdy Ox Horn Helm </>
-Eluned Detective Hat <
-Eluned Elegant Hanbok Hat F >


-Cessair's Heart
-Hamlet's Scarred
-Admiral Owen
-Figure Skating F
-Kitsune Ear
-Count Cookie
-Macroon Mistress
-Sporty Layered
-Brilluen M
-Waffle Wizard+Hat
-Waffle Witch+Hat
-Samba Festival M
-Samba Festival+Headdress M
-Summer Vacation M
-Jeweler M
-Jeweler F
-Noble Hanbok Top Bun Ribbon M


-Bangle of the Far East </>
-Hamlet's Glove <
-Tara Infantry Glove Giant M < (Amplified r1[clean])
-Bohemian Band M < (1/3)
-Patron Gloves </> (3/1)
-Nuadha Gauntlets (r1[clean]) </>
-Thames Plate Gauntlets (signed) </>
-Treasure Hunter Bracers F (r1[clean]) >
-Battleborn Gloves F >
-Coco's Bracers (r1[clean]) >
-Mortello's Pitch Black Gloves <
-Desert Guardian and Warrior Gloves <
-Desert Warrior Bracers F >
-Abaddon Nobility Gloves F >
-Winter Royal Elegant Evening Gloves F >
-Winter Royal Formal Gloves M <


-Tie-up Long Boots </>
-Marksmen Leather Boots </>
-Vivid Casual Shoes <
-Tara Infantry Boots F > (Elegant r1[clean])
-Tara Infantry Boots Giant F > (Elegant r1[clean])
-Bohemian Shoes M < (2/1)
-Checkered Ankle Boots </>
-Starlet Circle Boots M < (r1[clean])
-Devil Boots M <
-Vampire Hunter Shoes M <
-Argenta's Frostblossom Shoes >
-Eiren Chain Slasher Boots M <
-Jeweler Long Boots M <
-Jeweler Shoes F >
-Private Academy Riding Boots F >
-Eluned Starlet Circle Boots M <
-Desert Guardian Sandals M <
-Black Swan Boots M <
-Tall Geta Sandals M <
-Saint Guardian Boots F (Viscount r1[4 Golem something]) > (3)
-Abaddon Heels F >
-Arctic Fox Pink Snowflake Fur Boots </>
-Winter Royal Formal Shoes M <




Nothing of value rn; most likely won't update this since AH exists.


### Consumables ###
[I may be missing/sold some as I haven't really actively checked my alts/pets]


Hair Coupons:
-Active <
-Annick >
-Laertes <
-Millia >
-Noble <
-Paris <
-Portia >
-Ribbon >
-Romeo <
-Ronin <
-Sinead >
-Spiky Bangs <
-Sporty Cut <
-Sporty Layered <
-Straight Medium Cut <
-Two Block <
-Urban <
-Warrior <


Mouth Coupons:
-Airy Cheeks
-Cheeky Grin
-Cheerful Laugh
-Cute Animal
-Mischievous Cat
-Playful Teasing
-Rosy Lips
-Small Animal
-Strawberry Lips
-Super Sour


Eye Coupons:
-Chic City Slicker
-Cool and Cavalier
-Innocent Bright
-Rag Doll
-Succubus Fiend
-Wide Glittering


Face Coupons:
-Blush (Boxed) </>
-Droopy Ears Blush (Elf) </>
-Moony Cheeked (Boxed) </>
-Shooting Star (Boxed) <
-Shooting Star (Elf) </>
-Shooting Star (Giant) </>
-Shooting Star (Human) >
-Small Eared Freckled (Elf) >
-Starry Cheeked (Boxed) </>


2nd Titles:

Honestly, just NM since idk lul. I do have quite a bit, but most are kinda trash tbh.

### Misc. ###

=== === === ===

Not sure, most likely thrown in AH.

=== === === ===


Crafting Junk

Before you ask, yes I am Dan 3 on all fields plus r1 on many Life-related talents.
In case you care, I have Steady/RA/Daunting ESs plus Crazy Crafter for a grand total of +10(+13 on Monday) Quality Bonus

Tailoring.png ### Tailor-able Stuff ### <Inactive>
-Short Swordsmanship Uniform F* — 5m
-Chic Suit* — 1m
-Bonita Silky Dress* — 2m
-Apron Dress* — 2m
-Elegant Gothic Dress Long* — 3m
-Bolero and Jumper Skirt* — 2m
-Laced Layered Skirt* (limited) — 7m
-See-through Cocktail Dress* (limited) — 15m
-Vivid Casual Suit* (limited) — 10m
-Magic School Uniform F** — 100k
-Broad-brimmed Feather Hat** — 250k
-Tribal Bird Robe — 2m
-High-class Leather Armor*/*** — 6/7 = 1m
-Light Leather Mail (M/F)*** — 6/7 = 195k
-any NPC or other Fleta patterns

(the difference between Light Leather Mail and High-class is that Light Leather Mail has higher Durability and cheaper repair rate in exchange for being gender locked)

Blacksmithing.png ### Blacksmith-able Stuff ### <Active>
-the 6 Samurai swords — price will vary from type of sword not grade Will make on demand, I have too many of these junk.
-Thames Plate Armor**** — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Thames Plate Helmet**** (limited) — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Thames Plate Gauntlets**** (limited) — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Thames Plate Boots**** — price is relative to set item and grade
-Birnam Plate Armor**** (limited) — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Birnam Plate Helmet**** (limited) — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Birnam Plate Gauntlets**** (limited) — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Birnam Plate Boots**** (limited) — price is relative to set item and grade^
-Dustin Silver Knight Armor — price is relative to grade^
-Dustin Silver Knight Vambrace — price is relative to grade^
-Dustin Silver Knight Greaves — price is relative to grade^
-Cutthroat & Stinger Chains and Anju's & Hagi's Shurikens — 500k
-any NPC manuals including Celtic/Revenant/Perseus manuals(mats will be needed to be provided)

Carpentry.png ### Carpentry Stuff ### <Inactive>
No list, but NM if you want to have a Celtic Royal Crossbow or a Divine Crossbow make; of course with mats provided.

Magic_Craft.png/Hillwen_Engineering.png ### Magic Craft/Hillwen Engineering Junk ### <Always Active>
No list, but can make essentially anything in the Magic Craft or Hillwen Engineering list. Just provide the mats, and there will be no charge regardless of roll/success.

Handicraft.png ### Handicraft ### <Only on Monday>
Can craft a Celtic Control Bar with the highest potential success rate. 81% success rate is the max with relevant buff skills, Monday bonus, full r1 Handicraft party, Handicraft Boost Potion, 20 Handicraft Success Rate reforge kit, Finest candles(5%) burned with r1 Campfire and Special Firewood, and Master title. Can also make Revenant/Perseus Control Bars and the Marionette too.

Cooking.png ### Cooking ### <Always Active>
Can make 5 star dishes for Erg mat or w/e else you need. Can make all dishes if mats are provided, otherwise there will be a grace period to gather mats for a make.

Synthesis.png/Fragmentation.png ### Synthesis/Fragmentation ### <Active mostly on Saturday>
Can do Dorren's Request (99% succ rate) or frag any of your junk. 97% success rate on fragmenting Broken or Amplified Catalysts on Saturdays. Now with the Master titles of Synthesis and Fragmentation.

Enchant.png ### Enchant ### <Always Active>
Free r1 Enchanting and burning service. Always burns with Special Firewood.

[NOTE: I will ONLY do the above if I rebirthed into the respective talent! It'll be shown as <Active> next to the title! This only applies to Tailor, Blacksmith, and Carpentry!]

*Guarantee signature for your Erg mat (this disregards the above Note)
**Will have S or S+ grade for the extra Set Item point
***Even though it's labeled as Tailor-able Make, I'll only make this if I'm in Blacksmithing talent; guaranteed 6/7 make
****Minimum Set Item is 2/2 UNLESS you only need a sig for Erg mat
^If you only want a Signature for your Erg mat the price will only be relative to just grade instead.


~~~~ Buying List: ~~~~
[Can be mailed or delivered in person, NM if needed to trade in person]

-Any sewing pattern or manuals from Production Gacha, Iria's Treasure Hunt, or any other events or rare drops — price is negotiable so NM
[Note1: If you would like a make AND your manual/pattern back, that is an acceptable request.]
[Note2: JAPANESE SWORDS manuals, KARIS WIZARD SUIT/SHOES patterns, and ALBAN ROBES will now be unaccepted. Check at Blacksmith-able Stuff for more details]
-Unrestricted Dungeon Passes — 450k
-Name/Chat Fixed Color Change Potion (#E7D89D, #E8DE73, or #FFFF00) — 300k
-Speed Walk 40% (10 minutes) — 75k ea
-Speed Walk 40% (30 minutes) — 200k ea

Forgot to mention my IGN is Kylln. NM if interested.
If I don't respond back, you can reach me thru Discord instead: jakelong#8888 (I may change it up here and there, so if I do I'll try to update it.)


  • jake69jake69
    Mabinogi Rep: 710
    Posts: 30
    i offer 69gold for everything
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    bump with magic
  • ZolanaZolana
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    if u have any female hair beauty coupons i'll buy!
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    edited April 11, 2018
    I'll see what i have, I'll try to update the main post too while I'm at it.

    Edit: I've updated the main post with Hair, Mouth, Face, and Eye beauty coupons now.
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    bumped for fun

    also updated with buying prices and a correction for crafting makes section
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    lumped in it
  • SoseonoSoseono
    Mabinogi Rep: 225
    Posts: 4
    Your "-the 6 Samurai swords — price will vary from type of sword not grade", Which type of the katana do you had? Do you have the Yoshimitsumini? Do you have the Katana or is it a Blacksmith Manuel? If you do, How much for the Sword or the Manuel?
  • SoseonoSoseono
    Mabinogi Rep: 225
    Posts: 4
    If you had that weapon, mail me a reply to Soseono with how much you're planning to sell.
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    edited May 16, 2018
    Soseono wrote: »
    Which type of the katana do you had?

    I have all 6 Japanese swords able to be made. from your reply idk if you're looking to buy the Yoshimitsu or the Katana but I can make both.
    Soseono wrote: »
    If you had that weapon, mail me a reply to Soseono with how much you're planning to sell.

    I haven't bothered updating this thing for a while, but I guess a price for each wouldn't hurt. Originally I wanted people to offer on the sword prices, but I guess putting a price on em will give people more confidence in buying it.

    Edit: The list is updated now.

    Edit2: Japanese swords section is even more updated and so is Buying price for it
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    I probly won't be making too many stuff within a timely fashion, since I have to tone myself and take care of my family over the summer, but if you still require any service or w/e I'll make sure to check in as soon as I get back on.
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    I will now accept requests to sig any Tailor-able or Blacksmith-able Erg material with compensation of w/e form I think is fair and reasonable.
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    re-update on some stuff. since Magic Craft and Hillwen Engineering stuff is becoming more popular, i can take on requests for those stuff too (just dont expect me to guarantee anything)
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    I will now accept requests to make Celtic makes, but only if the necessary (difficult) mats are provided.
    Now with the lovely bonus of +7 to help get that +6 Max easier. :)
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    if anyone knows how to unlock the ability to make the Erg mats for Apostle Essense and Revelation Book please do let me know.
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    updated some items in the Selling List and changed some prices for Tailorable Makes.
  • OhMilkOhMilk
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    Do you still have the gleefully smiling mouth coupon and the starstruck eyes coupon?
    If so how much for them?
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    Huh. I seem to not have them anymore after checking thru my bank and pets. Sorry, may have sold it without realizing. I'ma try to update this as soon as i can
  • YuoichiYuoichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,435
    Posts: 161
    howmuch for smug?
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 33
    Sorry for the late response. Afaik the avg in AH is 1.5m. I can accept offers or 1.2
  • YuoichiYuoichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,435
    Posts: 161
    How much for Eluned Royal Rose Outfit?