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Gonna upgrade and revamp it
The sheeps drops nothing.
Takes some luck. The drop rate is fairly low apparently for some stupid reason. I used harvest song and a fully upgraded gathering knife.
Oy, Nx, ya should fix the typo(s) on the prize list. Namely the "Dummy Macaroon" which is supposed to be "Macaroon Pile"
Really hopin' I get that prop this time. It's the only one I didn't get last year.
You should post pics for the rest of us to see too!!
So the people from other servers gets cavities too ohoho!
edit: nvm didn't realize they were called 'figures'
Just some of the pics i tried to get O3Ob
Just seeing your sweetness is enough to give me cavities.
WOWSERS!!!!!! That makes my teeth hurt just looking at it!
What's your character name so we know who to add to go to the homestead?
OHH forgot to say but IGN: Nakiju
I absolutely love it but I'm also in shock. Adding to favs.
(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ Also, it’s for sure more than 30m (holy candy Jesus) honestly might be much more but I have nothing else better to spend on so it’s worth it ohohoho, and yeah the snow matches the candy theme more so it looks more like “frosting” (=゚ω゚)ノ