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hey elfs out there, How did you do this part (g21)

Mabinogi Rep: 1,955
Posts: 185
in Help
How the hell do i kill the dopple? im a mage mainly, so i have no clue how to kill it, since it just regens all the damage i do it it D:


  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited July 13, 2018
    Magic doesn't wound. Wound him. Having high dexterity for a better injury rate helps a bit, but otherwise you should attempt to kill the clones ASAP to improve your damage output, as them being alive grants the doppelganger additional damage reduction.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    @Blissfulkill So Magnum Shot?
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Leinei wrote: »
    @Blissfulkill So Magnum Shot?

    I mainly chained, due to chain sweep, but having a strong crash shot should be more than sufficient. The clones pack health in the thousands, so they can conceivably tank quite a bit for side mobs. Since chain gives higher attack, it may be conducive for most to use it over bow and arrow.

    I only managed to wound the Doppel by an average of half each hit, mainly relying on my damage output outpacing their regeneration in anycase.

    Magic does not wound, hence why I surmise the OP is having trouble. Unless you are god tier, killing doppelganger with magic would be extremely difficult.
  • AlalaroseAlalarose
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,955
    Posts: 185

    it took me about 20 mins to even do 10% of its hp with archery + guns and the dopples spawn to quickly for me to kill em and then do a good amount of damage.
  • LanteariaLantearia
    Mabinogi Rep: 815
    Posts: 12
    I'm using chains myself, and in one hour only managed to bring my dopple down to just under 50%. I tried using my bionic, as well, but it seemed to be doing very little to bring down the prot of the dopple, even when it was a shocked brionic... The prot of the dopple is far too high for me to do more than maybe a half percent each hit, which the dopple heals from, especially when I'm trying to gather dorcha from them.

    I'd appreciate any advice as well.
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited July 14, 2018
    I was able to kill the boss with firebolt, after like 20ish minutes? I don't know what I did but after a while the HP regen wasn't as great as it was at the very start of the fight.
    I don't know if I got lucky and glitched or it was because of something I did.
    I always made sure to kill the clones and hit all the orbs before even touching the dopple. ( killed the clones with chains and ninja ).
  • AlalaroseAlalarose
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,955
    Posts: 185
    I managed to do it by using demi with broniac and hitting the dopple for the whole time my demi was active and then i just used my guns since they are a really high wound rate (i use celtic guns) i was also soul linked the whole time which probally helped alot
  • asnscorpioasnscorpio
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 394
    To each their own. I ended up...hitting the orbs to reduce the dopple's so you can kill and focus on the boss is pretty much key. Having your pet with divine link and some of the subskills help a lot in this case to keep the damage going while you take care of the podiums and dopples. I ended up healing my pet from time to time to keep it from dying for those who are more support role.
  • TeasesTeases
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,630
    Posts: 67
    For the Doppleganger, I mained Chain Blade. It's useful for Anchor Rushing through the boss's Flame Burst and dodging Water Cannons between orb phases. For my secondary weapons, I swapped between Staff (Snap Cast+Thunder, Lightning Rod, Inspiration, Meteor Strike) and Dual Gun (Way of the Gun) depending on cooldowns. I didn't really bother using Divine Link on my pets (but it's situational).

    I started the fight by meteoring the clones down before heading straight into the boss. I whacked the boss with minimal damage until the first round of orbs popped. Immediately after hitting the last orb, I trans+demi before opening on the Doppleganger with Fury of Light, then WoTG, then Snap Cast+Thunder. Sometimes I have to wait for the next orbs to spawn before I can throw down Meteor Strike, but the burn damage helps significantly.

    Granted, I could have benefited from Divine Link but the speed increase after summoning my Fallen Fairy helps to reach the orbs if I was stuck between animation locks.
  • AnakymAnakym
    Mabinogi Rep: 575
    Posts: 14
    I already said this on my post on the help section but i want to share it. In my case I used Ninja , to kunai storm the copies hide to loose the doppel enought time to hit al the orbs and then debuffed him whit bone dragon, martial arts and smoke bomb to amplifi dmg im lv 4444 so doing that thing 6k dmg whit a chance of 100% wound did the fight in less than 10 mins :S narutos for the win? XD
  • AnakymAnakym
    Mabinogi Rep: 575
    Posts: 14
    the other fights where just a matter of paying attention to the msg the game shows since they are showcasing the new trans, i like the design but why the lack of legs Nexon give us an eidos to get my legs back!!!!!! XD
  • WeepingJesterWeepingJester
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 4
    Easy. This Bullshit of a gen requires Nao stones. You can then keep hitting the orbs and killing the minions, bringing the dopple down 0.5%-1% at a time. Chain or Gun will be required which will get you through it the easiest, unless you spend your ap and get high cp to high rank the specific high dps skills of mage. How they made it shits the other skills you have due to them having poor dps. Ah but perhaps go forge and upgrade to death for a possible chance.

    So they built it basically for gun and chain if you aren't willing to waste more of your life to grind. Hydra may work as well for assistance. Otherwise, you will never make it, and you will fail. You can keep buying and using naos, and mana pots with mana shield, but good luck with the timer with a lowering rate of 0.5%-1%. All your pets besides clouds will be dead by the way.

    Want to do it now? better go rank gun or chain. Otherwise take your time and if you are willing to hold it off for weeks/months until they are ranked enough. This game has climbed to require grinding like maple for a frickin storyline. A STORY LINE. In which, this isn't a storyline anymore, it's the game it'self. Where you can decide to go through with it, or continue to just play a dress up, trade, and/or music simulator. Thank you Nexon. Thanks. As if work and school does not kill enough.
  • PopclipsPopclips
    Mabinogi Rep: 790
    Posts: 21
    I used a combo of chains and archery for this one. Used chains for chain sweep to wipe out the clones quickly, then spammed magnum shot on the doppel for a bunch of wound damage. Divine link is almost a must for this one.....can't imagine trying to hit the orbs while that thing is aggroing you x. x Thankfully the doppel doesn't have an insane aggro range, so if your pet dies while in divine link you should be able to crisis escape or shadow cloak and revive your pet in a corner xD
  • SollSoll
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 145
    I used chains. Kill the clones, divine link a strong pet to keep doppels' aggro outta you, and always hit the switches when prompted. Demigod + neamhain fury of light + spear of light came in handy too.

    Healing hands crusader sub-skill + points in divine link helped to keep the pet able to tank hits.
  • RudeCrowRudeCrow
    Mabinogi Rep: 560
    Posts: 13
    I just used scummy Hide + Hydra with the master title for Hydra equipped. That damages the Doppel faster than it can heal.
    However, having r1 Alchemy and r1 Earth Alchemy might be important. XD

    When the orbs become active, just smack em. Be sure to quickly Hide and un-Hide between each orb to reset the time the Doppel takes to detect you.
  • violetkittvioletkitt
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 57
    I Used chain blade- impale,deathmark,chain burst/ninja-smokescreen to lower dopple defense after eliminating the clones. You'll really need to have skills that wound/fast hit. Its good to have pets that can be resummoned like lentos and scooters. Bone dragons and Scooter Imps lowers enemies defense. Magic I put on the sidelines this round cause that health reg. was going Nowhere.
  • RoczombieRoczombie
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited July 23, 2018
    I used a catering dish and I still wasn't able to do much damage to the dopple even with the clones gone let alone wounding it and i had 100% injury. Dont know how Im not doing decent damage to it with wound. friend of mine had no trouble with that.
  • RoczombieRoczombie
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    the health regan and having to hit the orbs constantly is really annoying. Im not able to keep constant damage on him to lower his health down and gets to the point where I get to annoyed and leave cuz i cant get it below 97% . :/
  • RiddleTricksterRiddleTrickster
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,585
    Posts: 70
    Roczombie wrote: »
    the health regan and having to hit the orbs constantly is really annoying. Im not able to keep constant damage on him to lower his health down and gets to the point where I get to annoyed and leave cuz i cant get it below 97% . :/

    If you have a cloud, you can use it to distract the dopple. Skills with wound attacks are the most efficient in this battle, like Magnum for archery, chain, and Gunner. Even if it looks like nothing happens, just keep going and make sure to hit all 3-4 orbs each time ( it's okay to miss one or 2, just try to bring down the minions quickly then attack. Though it's always better to hit all 4). Of course if it's health really simply does not decrease at all ( say 10-15% at least) after 20-30 minutes, I suggest trying to rank a bit more.
  • YorozuyaYorozuya
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 14
    I killed with melee - My Dex and Will were high enough that, with my focused rainbows, my injury rate was always at least 80%~100%. Then whenever I had trans, my injuring went up to 100%~100%. I am a human, however, so FH and bash helped.

    Still took me nearly an hour, but that's bc my tactics are dodge/counter or hit-and-run - guess which I used here xD Also bc I have no enchants or reforges, too lazy for them.

    I also only bothered to hit an orb or two if they were close-by, and then wrecked the clones with fireball/FH if I had it available. You're an elf, tho, so you might be able to hit them all in a reasonable time without letting its regen work too long. BUT prioritize killing the clones/preventing them from popping up - their dmg is considerably higher than the main doppel so it's more likely that THEY'LL kill you rather than the doppel.

    You can switch to a wounding skillset, but I have seen people succeed in this mission with magic. If your magic is advanced enough that you just need some work, then work on getting your cc5 firebolt dmg maxed. I saw a video with a mage killing this mission on Youtube, take a look at that vid to see if this works out for you.

    You can also spam Spear of God. Gets rid of prot AND it's uber high dmg! Just say goodbye to some AP to repair it.

    Good luck, and enjoy the fight!