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I finally defeated G21 final boss in its final form AND got a mild warning for giving a little too intense vent (... GREAT!)
But i think i finally got thought my grief stages:
- Getting an insta kill and rage about it
Even MORE Anger
- Using a good cater, song buff, best gear, FH, full recover potions, 20+ nao stones, etc... and then lose because the time runs out...
And RAGE about it...
Starting to have feelings of helplessness and vulnerability is often a need to regain control through a series of “If only” statements, such as:
If only this boss was more balanced... (Like getting rid of the insta kill and timer...)
- "I better quit untill this boss gets nerfed"
- I defeated the final boss! SWEET!... That was VERY depressing and frustrating to deal with, lets NEVER do that again!...
Then I realise that I got a warning for venting too hard, but i will shrug it off and keep on living =3
The moral of this story is: Dont give up... I guess?
Something I never actually figured out, what were you SUPPOSED to do when the final boss was doing that move that seals the use of your Crusader skills.
Every time he tried to do that, by the time I actually noticed he was doing it, and not just standing around in a fancy idle animation, it was too late.
I just ate the death that resulted from being unable to block his instadeath attack due to SoT being sealed and asked Nao for help.
I think I read something about using Judgemental Blade and that would stop it, but I don't know, I'd usually just run away and if I wasn't fast enough I prayed to the gods he wouldn't go "I'm so sorry" while I was in demigod/Paladin
For the final boss, it really relies on the heavy use of chain blade. You can use "Anchor Rush" to avoid most of his attacks and judgement blade skill locks. The skill lock is hit or miss when using such, but I found most of the time it works to evade it.
You don't have to be incrediblly strong to kill it, but it helps. I was only doing 100-200 dmg per hit and probably 500ish per critical hit. I finished it with time to spare after like ...20+ tries lol.
But the ballons are soo prettyy *_*
Because they don't give blessing when revived. Also who wants to lose their precious balloon?
Balloons are nice souvenirs and they can't really be reobtained easily.
Plus there's situations like this:
Boy oh boy, Nao'll be sick of me by the time I go through all these.
What does happen if you use up all the revives on a balloon? Does it disappear? Does it make it so that you can't equip it? Because I've always used Nao Stones before now...
It disappears obviously.
I have tons of duplicate balloons from events. Also since we don't have to worry about our stuff dropping you can bless after the battle. You won't lose that much durability, trust me.
Plus it's taking up a slot that could be used for an enchanted accessory.
I wish they stuck around with "Revival Unavailable" written in red in their item info, but still equippable.
Just for the purpose of having a cute balloon floating around.
Oh yeah, no choice but to eat it up as you see the swords of doom start crashing waiting for that red soundwave of imminent death.
I thought you get sealed when you stayed near him for too long. (Talvish no like touchy touchy heh heh;) ). After it happened to me a few times, and noticed it happening everytime I got close I would make sure to get distance right after my fighter attack. Didn't have a problem getting sealed from then on.