
  • Xion2 completed the Ancient Secrets of Irinid Badge.
    You've seen jungles, swamps, and the savanna. Oh my! It's been 5 years already?
    January 14
  • Xion2 completed the Exploration of Iria Badge.
    It's been 4 years, and you've crossed the sea and traveled to a new land filled with unexplored danger.
    January 14
  • Xion2 completed the Dark Knight Badge.
    Your 3 years of training have come down to this. Paladin? Or Dark Knight? Your choice.
    January 14
  • Xion2 completed the Paladin Badge.
    You have been around for 2 years. The Tuatha de Dannan are grateful for all your hard work.
    January 14
  • Xion2 completed the Advent of Goddess Badge.
    It has been a year since you came to the world of Erinn.
    January 14
  • Xion2 earned a promotion to Rank 1.
    The rank you get when you first join the forums
    July 20, 2019