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Nilrem wrote: »
But Mabiln, by your standards that is still a low amount!
Its almost like I brought up an intentionally incorrect amount to force you to counter it to be on the same page.
Haha I was only pretending to be dumb and you fell for it…
Crims wrote: »
and it never ends well in these forums.
All 15 people using these forums RIP.
Crims wrote: »
Helsa wrote: »
Gacha whales don't get enough love. I mean, aren't they the ones funding the game the rest of us are leaching off of?…
Nilrem wrote: »
MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
"considering you told a Phantasm Breaker that Has really good phantasm times that they didn't understand phantasm."
You really can't derail habi involved topics either, and his MA is still low.
You …
"considering you told a Phantasm Breaker that Has really good phantasm times that they didn't understand phantasm."
You really can't derail habi involved topics either, and his MA is still low.
Habimaru wrote: »
who's going to comb through 800+ pages of your posts/writings
So a single post from you?
Habimaru wrote: »
but I do intend to make a future thread/posting explaining the difference between fact v/s opinion, objective v/s su…
Crims wrote: »
MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
anyone else like how everything he posts has some form of political garbage, or is kinda racist? I'm sure the last thing people want is branded masks, and unless nexon was donating them for free it'd look bad r…
anyone else like how everything he posts has some form of political garbage, or is kinda racist? I'm sure the last thing people want is branded masks, and unless nexon was donating them for free it'd look bad regardless.
Him being weak, or without gear, or whatever isn't the issue. He's claiming things he's either not done, or is exaggerating to an extreme there's a massive conflict with what he says constantly, then clarifies it with another wall of text that just …
Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with I don't care what some random person said, you intentionally avoided what I said entirely. What I'm saying is I honestly …
You know what, I really don't believe that someone said thank you to you, for carrying in phantasm. Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with. Also ice bolt works …
Alright here's a challenge for you. Reply using only 150 words or less, instead of hitting with walls of text that are mostly meaningless text.
A zombie in tech has a massive amount more prot/def and doesn't take damage from ele reforges for one,…
You're grasping at straws, and technicalities, and even flinging mud just to be like "Aha I was right all along?!" Yet you're still wrong.
"P2W Elven-Archery has the highest per-hit DPS"
per hit dps? Word fluff that makes you sound pretentious…
Lutetium wrote: »
Habimaru wrote: »
Unrelated again, it only moves if you move it.
Habimaru wrote: »
What... I already have 32GB DDR3 SD-RAM on my system (both of my currently assembled Desk-Top PCs). Yes, I am aware that DDR…
You can actually get a smash card for free, advancement badges let you roll one as a free player on any dan 3 skill so you just gotta farm combo cards until you get a good one for smash, which is a 30% difference going from skill 5>Smash on 6
Derringer wrote: »
I've been trying to figure this out for a while now, and unfortunately all of the advice out there focuses on newbies and early-game, so there's something I'm missing.
I've watched YouTube videos and joined raids so I've seen…
SinNightmare wrote: »
MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
Compared to our "free" user who wouldn't ever get this without enchant protections, which are cash shop only, granted you get free ones once in a while but it's not nearly enough to cover all this.
Greta wrote: »
Did this dude literally flexed for being able to one shot mob spawn with fully charged critical Fusion Bolt in TDB? Lmfao.
Yup. He actually has lower ping than most mabi players too.
The same guy arguing game balance when every …