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Ok so here's a funny update.
NGS error doesn't mean anything to me. If it happens, I just, try again and. It just lets me stay in. If that doesn't work, try again.
Eventually, it just lets me stay logged in.
So there is no actual software blo…
Niought wrote: »
TNinja wrote: »
Great, the problem is back again.
What are they doing.
Don't think they necessarily did anything, NGS has just been more attacky ever since that one maintenance and they have yet to fix it. Just send them a…
Huh, I recall that archery was the king of the skies when people were doing air balloons back then. Because of the insane range long bows had.
That's not working now?
Helsa wrote: »
After the client is running, would closing the game launcher and NOT doing any surfing or streaming help?
If trying even after a clean boot up doesn't work, I doubt.
Wait, hold up. This was happening to me entire day. I was fine yesterday.
I'm fine now, but I installed an app called Eartrumpet yesterday after I was done playing.
I figured that was seen as a threat to to NGS, so. I uninstalled it, and the gam…
Helsa wrote: »
So how does that work? Voice altering software and software that reads live video of a face and translates it to Anime character?
Huh? It's just a face tracking software using a webcam, then throw the inputs to a rigged model.
Gregthegreat wrote: »
The concept is deeply rooted in nostalgia for sure, but what made OSRS so popular is the fact that the two games are so vastly different now. I think the shift that you are describing began with the combat update way back whe…