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I dont wanna be banned from the shop. (Netherlands)
Please plaase, just do some monthly or bi-weekly sale of new outfits and have older ones return all with a theme or something.
I'l pay for pricier outfits if their worth it, and pricier pets inst…
My first pouch was a curse, and i got the waterfall, I was pretty darn happy with that eysterday, got another one today!
also glad to see the clover umbrella is back!
I hadnt received mine either, it was glitched. i never saw when it was fixed and missed out. since that was quite late for me..
Filed ticket, they couldnt give me one anymore. *grumble*
Bloonk wrote: »
Kiruah wrote: »
i actually might still have the waterway passes in my bank?
I'd suggest you check and see. If u do have any waterway you might make an alchemist very happy . I'm personally buying GoP Hard passes for 2m ea on A…
Iyasenu wrote: »
I'd especially love to be able to log in as a Partner if it let me talk to NPCs and repair their items without having to remove them.
This would be one amazing reason to want this.