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Sadly, my friend was wondering if you had a different pose in mind; they arent really interested in drawing weapons atm. >.<
But they dont mind drawing a somewhat 'similar' pose, though they cant really guarantee it. ^^;
Im fine with that!
I am planning on using the first three pose references. Did you want the same expressions also? o3o
Ill try to have the sketches for all done on Wed~ ^^
Thanks for stopping by~ ^^
My friend will be looking forward to it~ o:
Which style would you like for the one you posted? (CG/Colored Lineart/Soft Paint Full Body)
Just as a reminder, make sure t…
All commissions have been completed! c:
I would like to thank everyone that has commissioned me; I enjoyed drawing for all of you~
The results for the raffle will be up shortly in a new thread~
Thank you all again for being very p…
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!
Ill try to have the sketch done next mon~ ^^
Thanks and added to the list~
Thank you for your concern! ^^
Heres the finished piece~
I apologize for the very long wait. >.&…
I apologize once again for disappearing all of a sudden. Unexpected things came up, so I hope you all can understand.
I got sick twice, back to back. x.x
I also had to spend some time in the hospital, since my new medication was making…
I deeply apologize for the very late reply.
I was going to post this earlier, but wasn't feeling well mentally due to a new medication's side effects.
Also, had very bad weather for the past several weeks.
As an update, my bff was abl…
Hopefully this should do it
If the eyes are still off; Ill fix them in the lineart.
And dont worry about the changes; I want you to be fully satisfied with the piece~ ^^
Hope everyones New Years went well~
Here are the changes~
I already finished the lineart for light.
Any other changes?
Also, the code worked~
Thank you for the tip! q.q
Dont forgot to choose you…
Youre welcome~ ^^
Heres the sketch~
The rectangle represents the statue and the circles represent the moons.
Let me know if you want them to be bigger or moved somewhere else.
Otherwise, any changes…
Hope you had a safe flight~ ^^
Thanks for ordering! ^^
A few things:
-Did you want me to draw the weapons also?
--If so, which ones?
-I can draw the statue. Did you want it to be facing straight ahead or how it is in the ref…
Forums are sure being weird. o.o
Happy holidays!
I hope everyones holidays going well~ ^^
Heres the finished piece~
Any last minute changes?
Thats pretty neat for having an inbox via forums.
Heres the lineart~
Was trying to match the pose ref more (didnt think the sketch was that off) >.>
I forgot to ask in my last post, but do you have a preference for the pose for t…