Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Greta wrote: » Cries about others being trash while also being trash themselves. You should have shown us example how humble you need to be when you are getting "trolled" and so on instead of getting too sensitive over a single sassy joke and show…
  • Greta wrote: » No info, no video. I have zero idea about which quest OP is talking about. The dude tried to help with a really weird method, also without any info or video. Might as well say whatever since no one can't help you with so little info…
  • Crimsọn wrote: » JJ wrote: » Mabinogi has a built-in screen recorder feature. You can find it on the right of the bottom-bar in the popup menu thing. Before entering the mission activate it and try the mission while recording. Don't ask why, jus…
  • noobodyzxz wrote: » I was going to comment on this few days ago but I got lazy and assumed OP will figure it out and then the confusions has began and I'm just laughing as sort of read through (Im still lazy as fudge) and I had an Idea to add fu…
  • JJ wrote: » I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but Crimson has a point. We can't tell you what to do differently if we can't see what you're doing. A video would really help. The best we can do is give you shot-in-the-dark advice like the on…
  • And this is exactly why the Mabingoi community has gone down hill. No. I'm not a good player. I'm a returning player asking for help with something I've been stuck on for a very long time. Telling me to "get good" isn't very helpful. In fact it's ag…
  • Greta wrote: » I think OP just needs 2gitgud... Thanks, that's super helpuful. *eyeroll*
  • JJ wrote: » Mabinogi has a built-in screen recorder feature. You can find it on the right of the bottom-bar in the popup menu thing. Before entering the mission activate it and try the mission while recording. Don't ask why, just do it. Yeah I'…
  • I was so mad when they changed the title. It was my favorite talent title & I worked very hard to earn it. "Wandering Bard" sucks. While I get why they changed it, it's sad that we can't even play a game anymore without getting political or …
  • Katherz wrote: » We are aware of the fantastic memory attendance week 1 not giving the 10 day exp fruit reward and are investigating the cause. Thanks for letting us know everyone! It's not just day 10 & 11. I'm missing fruit & stamp…
  • Zeo wrote: » To be fair.. the 100m gold checks shouldn't be given away in those events at all and Nexon need to actually do something about people abusing accounts for an event like this too. Remember when Nexon ended the Hamlet's Delegation ev…
  • I'm stuck at this part as well. Even with everything I've got the most I've gotten it down is 99.85%, even when I killed the copies.
  • FayeKaiba wrote: » The first thing people do when a new post goes up is look at the date. So when you saw April 1st, your first thought SHOULD have been April fools. I can asure you that 99.99% of people all knew it was a joke. There is completely…
  • Pepper wrote: » Mabi is one of the best games ever. But I do have some friends that have quit because they couldn t do some of the generations. They have trouble with Girg I This would have been a good one to have a Royal Alchemist help you and t…
  • Hellkaizer wrote: » The thing with gacha's (that I've probably said 100 times by now) is no where near 1000 people are buying the outfit bags at $10 I honestly doubt even 200 are. They make money off of the financially well off players. I know at …
  • I'm happy with the auction house. It will be MUCH easier to sell stuff now. I don't have to deal with annoying cruddy trades, or people whining about my prices anymore. As for the lag, I'm sure it'll be fixed. Just give them some time. Commas are A…
  • Multiposts have been merged. Please do not spam posts. Thank you everyone for your comments & input. I'm glad to see that some people actually agree with me on some points. Leinei wrote: » I wish more outfits would be released in bags with…
  • Blissfulkill wrote: » Well, I am holding hope this is not an April Fools' Joke. Feel free to call me an idiot. No not an idiot. Just very uhh cute to hope that Nexon would give up a way to make money.
  • There has got to be a better way to place shops in Belvast & Dunbarton. Everyone wants to sell there stuff & not everyone can because of the way shops just get set up randomly all over the place. So much space is wasted! Maybe shops can be …
  • I think the bot problem has gotten way out of hand as well. It doesn't seem to look like Nexon cares at all either. Nerfing the gold given from SM's would seem like the logical thing to do, but it hurts other players too much. Why should everyone…