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We will report their exploit actions as User-Abuse when they do this.
If two guilds were strong arming guild wars just to ruin it for someone else would you report that too? Say if the guild that kept winning paid for entry for the other guild and they made sure anyone who tried to contest them wasn't able to. This is still an "exploit" to ruin any competition or fun. You need to think about what you do to even the players who just want to do it for fun, or the leaders of these guilds encouraging griefing other players might be reported for that as well.
My guild wanted to join, but the guild that keeps winning has been paying people off in various ways to help them win from what I've heard … (more) My guildies put in the money to participate because it looks fun, but idk if we're even going to show up if the guild battles are getting even worse on Tarlach (less)