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Here I go, on my way to becoming the greatest melee elf to exist.
But suddenly, along the way, I realized that the only usual 2H sword elves can wield is the Soluna Blade.
Here's some of my dream ideas:
- Dual-Wielding Elves
- Make all 2H weapons able to be wielded by elves
- clothes physics, and physics in general
ties aren't supposed to stick to a character and neither should capes and other things
- better graphics for cutscenes (like appropriate changes in expression)
- ability to swim or at least walk in water anywhere.
- New continents!
- More talents!
- Touch ups on close combat (like more exclusive skills for it)
- More elf love
- Final Hit for Elves!
- Better looks for Falcon, Beast, Dark Knight and Paladin
- Ability to choose how Rest looks upon reaching a certain rank
- Jumping, for those pesky fences and other things
- Ability to idle pose while sitting
ever wanted to pose while sitting?
- Eating and drinking animations, easily interruptible if needed
- Refining doesn’t have a consistent animation, due to lag issues. We should fix that.
- No timer on the Style or Echostone tabs, mainly the Style tab. I figure the company gets money other ways than limiting the Style tab.
- Smooth animations for personal flight and spread wings action. No more cardboard people.
- Decrease stamina loss when using the Healing skill on yourself.
- Rebirthing and getting to choose your age, and an option for not having to reset your age at all.
- Finally paying off your house. The amount of gold required to pay off the lease would vary depending on size and the house level, but if we can pay off houses in real life, why not in Mabinogi?
- A way to store every necessary weapon on our person. So, like, more than two slots for hand weapons. I wanna be able to switch weapons on command rather than just having two weapons and reaching in a bag for another needed weapon. Like, say.. there's one or two weapon slots off to the side for combat, one for magic, one for knuckles, one for chain, one for music, and so on and so forth. And we can just switch using a hot key.
(I see this is basically the extra equip slot. But, that's not free. So, please make that free for all eventually.)
- Ability to wear outfits that are usually for a different gender. We're in the 2020s, get with the times!
- Ability to wear ears, hats, etc with glasses. Self-explanatory.
I have more but that's all I can remember right now.