Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Nexon Gatcha Scam

    English is my second language, so I am sorry for any typos or grammatical horrors.


    I started playing when open beta started in NA (I miss that Morrighan statue start screen).

    Then I went away from Mabinogi several years, when reforges came out. At that time, reforges was just unbalance and as a free player (at that time) it was really hard to keep up.

    I came back 4-5 years later and there were some very nice changes like free rebirth, been able to set a shop without service, balanced reforges, quality of life changes, etc. It was really nice surprise to find out that there were events all the time (when I started it was like one event per month maximum).
    Then found other not so nice like not been able to use any previously purchased Premium cards to rebirth and get the clothes I purchased. Now you have to create a new character with that card to get them.

    The problem I am see right now with Mabinogi is:
    1. This game does not respect the players effort and time
    2. Gatcha is not worth the money

    I farmed dungeons for weeks/months for enchants and materials I need, but no luck. This leaves me with a very bad taste because the more effort and time I dedicate, there is no noticeable improvement.

    I am from an era when Premium and Pet cards gave what you wanted. Now we must gamble our way to get something we want for a 0.22% chance (at best). I have purchased gatcha (pet and clothes) multiple times to support this game, but the items I get back are not even good enough to justify the money.

    I know that this game needs to make money in order to survive but there must be a balance between what the company wants and players wants.

    Due to some recent results with the different gatchas I tried, I decided not to purchase them anymore. I just don’t see the value anymore.

    I am aware of the recent issues with Maple Story and how my own experience with this game has been so far, it is giving me very bad vibes right now.

    I am not saying that what has been previously stated for the drop rates is not true, is just my mabi experience so far doesn't support that claim.

    I am aware of the limitations a GM may have regarding access to certain information and what can share with the player base, but right now I as a player I really want that someone at Nexon can look at this, verify and tell us that everything is working as intended. That would be good.

    Thanks for your time ^.^