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It's a no.
It's allowed in Feedback and Suggestions and much better than a repeat topic from the same person.
I think servers will die quicker if NX becomes tradeable. It's against ToS anyway, so it will never happen. Good luck on suggesting this though.
Works just fine for Runescape, Arche Age and even World of Warcraft. I feel Mabinogi is behind on this tradeable Currency and should make it possible
the player base should work out the cost of gold - nx ratio tho and it should fluctuate like all other games
1 week it could be 500 gold next month 20b
You also have to understand the differences between the economies of Runescape, Archeage and Warcraft.
While I haven't played Runescape or Warcraft, I have played Archeage and from my experience, the economy wasn't based on hyperinflation and stimulus of free trade. But that was like 4 yrs ago. Idk how it is today. Money is too easily generated and too much generated in Mabi and I feel that currently, a NX exchange system will be rigged by those who have a load of gold stashed up.
There will need to be a lot of rules and restrictions for such a system and I feel that most people won't be happy with that since we're all used to an open a free trade economy in game.
when it 1st came to runescape it was about 12m per 1 apex
its now around 6-8m depending on the day of the month
arche age ranged from 800gold-3k gold per apex depending on how much gold the average player had at the time
never played WoW but i know they can trade cash shop currency with ingame currency and even use that currency to buy games like overwatch
mabinogi should follow and make a tradeable cash shop currency