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[UPDATED] Master Plan Event
'Tis the season of giving. Master Plan is back with some goodies! Check out what's marked on the calendar for all of the boosts and free gifts. See the details here!

Thank you.
Edit: do the letters determine which are coupon? Ive always wondered why there are some with different colors and letters...
Why Nexon why T^T
I think "B" requires coupons.
That would defeat the purpose of "coupon" and a slap to the face for those who pay so much for them :x
Coupons already defeated much of the fashion purpose of Pons and when they were introduced it was kind of a slap to the face of those who bought Pons for fashion.
Also I would rather pay pons and change my hair as I please, than be stuck hoping someone will have the coupon for sale and that I can afford it, or hoping I get it randomly out of little gacha beauty boxes that come out like 2-3 times a year.
Except Pons don't cost tens of millions of gold or a lot of nx to get the hair you want and are pretty much affordable and consistent, whereas coupons would be rare and released every year or 2 only from money-grabbing gacha
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of times where I wanted to try out other hair coupons that I can't afford to buy or switch and wished they were pons. It is what it is sadly
They used to just add new styles and you could rebirth into them no problem. It wasn't special. Now it's just wall after wall. If it isn't pon locked it's coupon locked.
Same thing with new outfits and the gacha wall. Can't just add new clothing to NPC shops, NOPE!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's greed.
To be honest, the hair/eye coupons would've functioned much better as a free, yet grindy way to get styles without having to pay a dime on Pons.
Double experience and AP are nice and all, but it never changes the fact that KR never gives us actual reasons to run raids or missions.
(Aside from gold or exp.) There's no beauty coupons, top tier mats drop at such low rate, and gear drops can be a joke.
Events almost feel worthless if you don't value any of the grants cosmetically, or stat gear.
I just hope to see some more creative events in the future, aside from the usual AFK and free handouts.
Would you prefer a consistent amount of only paying $5-$9 for 50-100 pons to change your hairstyle, or spend anywhere from $1.5 to $50 or in a gacha whale's case, $500 to get a single hairstyle you want?
So yes, pons would be cheaper, but probably would make more profit than gacha in the long run to be honest if Nexon actually thought about it. But, Nexon isn't in charge of the contents/gacha sadly
ive been wanting to get catering and crisis escape for sooo long.
thank you!
Gotta get that sense of Pride and Achievement from gachaponning your hair style.
Why Sunday should be? It's common to see calendar which starts with Monday, since most people start their "new week" on Monday because of work/school starts again after weekend.
This is why Win10 calendar on my laptop confuses me now since it starts at Sunday. >.<
I think it's because nearly every calendar I've seen is like that.
But maybe it's because Sunday and Saturday are like... the "bookends" of the week?
Weekends? Bookends? I dunno.
The reason I think THIS calendar is the way it is, is because they wanted some kind of vertical symmetry with Thursday, which seems to be the key day of the week with this Master Plan Event.