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°˖✧Izsu's Art n' Stuff✧˖°
Mini Bits 7$
You can Find Full examples on my website here
✔ Will draw mostly anything as long as its not on the "wont draw list"
✕ Wont draw | NSFW | full on Gore (soft is ok tho) | Excessive muscles | Mecha
Furries [OK!]
kemonomimi [OK!]
Please do not rush me to finish your picture
I have the right to turn down a commission if I am uncomfortable with it
I will be asking for payment first before I start on your picture
-If paying with paypal I will be using PalPay invoice-
Are only available if something happens on my end and I am unable to finish
Trying out google forums for orders or u can contact via Info Listed
Order Form
Painted Head shot Form
✧Reference Pictures:
✧optional expression:
✧Paypal Address:
Mini Bits
✧Reference Pictures:
✧Outline: yes/no
✧Words Under: yes/no (if you'd like their name or something else)
✧Extra: yes/no (if you want anything like stars or sparkles etc.)
✧optional expression:
✧Paypal Address:
-Gold Slots are CLOSED-
please do not ask me for Gold slots if u see that there CLOSED
please check the to-do list for slot availability
【Mari Gold Prices】
Chibi's • 2m
Additional Charater • +800k
【I will also be taking CCFF99 fixed/Metal Dyes has payment i will take 200k off of cost】
Order Form For Gold:
Reference Pictures:
Background type:[ex: simple]
Contact info
izsumi (Mari)
(I rarely Login please use other methods of contact listed down below)
Deviantart •
Twitter • izsumi123@yahoo.com • Discord izsu#3378
I will be paying with Mari gold if the characters are okay, but I will get more info to ya once you approve them
Hi~ ty for the interest here is a semi recent doodle i do have 2 more ex but this one is the cleanest of the 3 and yyees they are do-able!
IGN: Faiflowright (Mari) / Nyaa (Alexina) - I will be paying with Mari gold but I am mostly on Alexina if you need to contact me faster.
Payment: 3mil Mari gold, I believe?
Reference: Rayne and Zora
Background: I absolutely love that example with the sweets! I was wondering if you'd be alright drawing Zora and Rayne with a background that has a some Pokemon included in it? The Pokemon could be actual Pokemon if you're alright with that, or it could be cutesy plush versions of the Pokemon. Rayne's favorite Pokemon are Furfrou, Lilligant, and Whimsicott. She likes Lurantis, Charizard, Flygon, Shinx, Fennekin, and Pumpkaboo. Zora's favorite Pokemon are Sandshrew, Alolan Sandshrew, and Mimikyu. She also likes Eevee, Sandslash, Alolan Vulpix, Mew, Dratini, and Vaporeon. You definitely don't have to draw all of them aha, I'd love if the favorites could be drawn, but otherwise just however many your comfortable with c: And if the Pokemon idea isn't alright with you, feel let me know and I can let you know another idea for a theme! If you draw them as actual Pokemon, maybe having them a sunny field near a tree would be cute, or if you draw them as plushies, maybe a bedroom would be cute (like a sleepover aha).
Pose: If you draw them as actual Pokemon, maybe Rayne and Zora relaxing together under a tree with their Pokemon. Or if you draw them as plushies, then a pose that would suit a sleep over would be very cute - them sleeping next to eachother while both of them snuggle a plush, or having a pillow fight, or just relaxing and chatting maybe. Honestly whatever you think would be cute is alright with me c:
Personalities: Rayne is generally a tease and she is very excitable, silly, and playful. Zora is a sassy tomboy but she can be just as playful and silly as Rayne.
Other: Please let me know if you have any questions at all! WIPs would be very much loved. Thank you!
Yup! 3m please feel free to mail me the Check or if you would like to meet up feel free to note me [izsumi-Mari] \ o /
I hope its alright if I request some changes, if you wouldn't mind? For Rayne, could you please make her ears about twice as big (they're big and fluffy, this picture especially shows them well), make her eye on the left side of the picture (her right eye) covered completely by her hair, and make the purple+pink strand of her hair on our right side of the picture longer to about halfway down her chest and maybe a bit thicker? And for Zora, could you please be sure to add her key necklace and her tail rings? They both have some piercings as well but I understand that you may be planning to add them at a later point
and ty for commissioning me~
sorry for the wait here are the fixes ヾ(。・ω・)シ
i'm glad you liked it
IGN: Faiflowright (Mari) / Nyaa (Alexina) - I will be paying with Mari gold but I am mostly on Alexina if you need to contact me faster.
Payment: 2.5mil+ Mari gold, please feel free to let me know if you'd like more for this background idea.
Reference: Mel in her pink baking outfit, please c: Please keep in mind the important info listed in bold on her page.
Background: Something similar to the ones you've done, cutesy and colorful, but it would be lovely if this one could be Valentine's Day themed, please
Pose: Something similar to this pose would be wonderful. She would be happily working on the cake with a determined and passionate look, instead. The cake would probably be on some type of stand, she would not be wobbling on the chair like she's about to fall off, and the cake would look cleaner hehe. She may have gotten a bit of frosting on her outfit and face though!
Other: Please let me know if you have any questions at all! Especially if the way I've worded something doesn't make sense, I'm still under the weather so I hope my wording is alright. WIPs would be very much loved again. Thank you so much.
here's a basic idea/skectch https://sta.sh/0km43tx8oa6
the total would come out as 4m
IGN: Faiflowright (Mari) / Nyaa (Alexina) - I will be paying with Mari gold but I am mostly on Alexina if you need to contact me faster.
Payment: 2.5mil+ Mari gold, please feel free to let me know if you'd like more for the background.
Reference: Leila, I think I would prefer if she didn't have anything on if that's alright with you, as I haven't designed her a proper outfit ; u ; Please keep in mind the important info listed in bold on her page.
Background: I would love to see her in a medieval kingdom's marketplace, similar to this but perhaps not as fancy looking and with cobblestone-like walls. There would be booths like in that picture set up to sell items, although Leila's booth would be more thrown-together and messier looking than the others (tattered cloth, old wood, etc., basically make-shift looking like she's found the materials and sloppily put them together). She sells black market goods, so I think it would be nice if it was late evening time, so it's like she's sneakily selling the goods at night. There would be banners hung around, like the triangle ones in that picture I linked or like these and maybe flag banners hanging off the walls like that first picture has, or like these (they definitely don't have to have intricate designs like this lol). The other booths would be selling general kingdom goods such as foods, clothes, weapons, armors, etc. However, her booth would either be covered hiding what she's selling or it would have black market goods. I think these goods would be like, stolen and makeshift/counterfeit weapons/armor/goods, and I think it would be funny if she could have a sign messily scribbled out for some of them or for her shop in general, something stating that the goods are way better than they actually are haha, and that there are no guarantees on her items. Basically anything to make her booth look shady and suspicious compared to the other booths would be great to see xD Her prices may be a bit high, too, since she's greedy. It'd be great if there could be an alleyway beside her booth, ending with an entrance to somewhere that was sloppily hidden by her throwing random things (crates, cloths, etc.) on top it.
Pose: It would be great to see her holding up and presenting one of her items to try to get the buyer to purchase it, with a greedy and mischievous look on her face. Perhaps doing a come-hither motion or beckoning the viewer over in some way?
Other: Please let me know if you have any questions at all, or if anything isn't doable. WIPs would be very much loved again. Thank you