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You woulda thunk they'd ask for real high rez versions of them, but they're looking hella jaggy on my 1600x900, detracting from the art.
Oh gosh those were the best. Animated backgrounds...
Fellow graphic designer who knows about dye sublimation?!?!
As for the login screens. I agree and hopefully they can get the image resolution fixed soon
The way Shoog gets about graphic design is the way I get when it comes to computers.
This looks more like quick resizing using MSpaint, which creates those jaggies and dotted lines. They could still make it look nice and keep the filesize down if they resized using a good program like GIMP. It's like they were aiming for a less than 10KB image, which is strange since the chainslash loading screen image looked very high quality.
We're not talking about enlarging. All winning images are high quality 2880x1920 images. We're talking about reducing size and maintaining quality. Software does matter (even in enlarging). Different software uses different resizing algorithms (bicubic, lancsoz, nearest neighbor, etc) and different jpg compression ratios. In MSpaint these choices are fixed, sometimes for the worse. Gimp and Adobe® Photoshop® allows you to manually select resizing algorithm and jpg compression ratios.