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The Raven in the Ruins' Hasidim

Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
Posts: 469
edited June 15, 2018 in Help
So... ghost boy gives me power. Wait for power to do its thing. Then attack Hasidim while he is absorbing one of the knights. From what I read online and what the text onscreen says, I'm suppose to do critical hits (???) on it? Is this right, because there isn't a lot of time to attack the thing and deal 7 critical hits before the knight dies and the mission instafails.

What am I doing wrong?

Please don't say "use way of the gun". That would be lame and what is the point of getting that "power" from the ghost boy? (also because my relatively young character doesn't have gunner skills)


  • JazmynJazmyn
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 1,009
    Yes, you are supposed to crit 7 times. I'd like some tips too, I can't crit more then once on this character without failing, but my chain character did the crit part fairly easy.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Not sure if Hasidim has a lot of prot you have to get through, or if you don't have to worry about crit after you get the NPC's help, but you could try just using guns, even without WoTG.

    Zeder IIs are cheap to acquire and can still hit fairly quickly.
    They don't have good base critical rate, though, so you might want to use Shurikens or something instead if your critical % is low.

    Not really any other tips to give, really.
    Hit quickly and hope for crits.

    I had no idea that you needed to crit for this part, I just kept attacking.
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    edited June 15, 2018
    Anyone come up with a strategy to beat Hasidim yet that they would like to share? I'm fed up with this boss lol. He's traped me twice with a trap I'M suppose to break but i can't cause i'm trapped :V GG.

    I went through 60 nao stones i had saved up from past events and still haven't beat him.

    So yeah a technique would be nice right now. Npcs are useless as usual.
  • MyutoMyuto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,335
    Posts: 31
    Maybe have a pet hit it while you're trapped? Ionno I just reloaded it since it was super broken and waited for it to trap one of the npcs :l FH helps a toooon when it gets one of the npcs
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Huh. He only trapped me twice, then just stopped using that skill entirely.
  • CallantheCallanthe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 31
    I don't know how to deal with him when you're trapped, so I'm not sure how helpful this advice might be, but I just restarted the mission if I got trapped.
    You're supposed to crit him to break the trap, so way of the gun is great for rescuing the NPCs (my guildies gave me that advice and it works like a charm)
    Other than that, I used demigod with wings of eclipse and divine link for defensive measures and of course FH.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Isn't the drain percentage based on your health? I say pot before he casts it on you. Demigod actually helps with health restoration.
  • JJJJ
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,400
    Posts: 500
    edited June 16, 2018
    This is the first boss you fight, right? In the grave yard? What do you mean by "trapped"? He never used a trap skill for me, I'm curious about it.

    Maybe if you're having trouble you can summon golems with alchemy to attack him for you? Maybe help out with support shot from a distance or something.
  • CallantheCallanthe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 31
    I don't think he does that in the first fight, I've only seen him using that in city ruins. Hasidim's first fight was pretty easy.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 16, 2018
    jjeremy wrote: »
    This is the first boss you fight, right? In the grave yard? What do you mean by "trapped"? He never used a trap skill for me, I'm curious about it.

    Maybe if you're having trouble you can summon golems with alchemy to attack him for you? Maybe help out with support shot from a distance or something.

    It is in a second or third boss fight, where he traps you in a crystal that saps your health, similar to Girgashiy's crystal imprisonment.

    Remember, Hasidim is a type of apostle, not the name of a specific one, as are Zebach and Girgashiy.

    It is escaped by hitting the Apostle several times with Critical Attacks it seems, and is not based on damage. However, Hasidim is essentially guaranteed to use the Crystal attack on one first. Even with the Alban knights helping, they likely will not free you from the crystal. In other words, you have to be brought down to having only a trickle of health when it naturally ends.

    It is possible to tank, and may be feasible to use Crisis Escape or Hide till he targets one of the knights. If any of them die, it is considered a mission failure.

    Demigod is fairly feasible here it seems, as it helps negate a significant portion of the drain, while boosting speed if one wishes to melee Hasidim to death.
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    edited June 16, 2018
    Alright, yeah i have tried most of the above prior to posting this. My main issue is his dashing. I have managed to trap him somewhere where the knights are all together with it and the other 3 enemies can't reach them ( since when you start fighting him the other 3 prophets join in and kind of scatter the knights) But the frequency in which he dashes, makes it almost impossible for me to strike wihout getting killed after the 2 dashes he does. I'm an Elf so i can't use FH. Demigod works fine until those dashes kill me. The guy is everywhere.
  • SiodhanSiodhan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,825
    Posts: 315
    I ended up just staying at range @SoraHakuDA
    I know it's not possible for everyone though. Seriously melee is kinda bull in that fight.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,545
    I wore armor (Royal Knight Armor set), used Shield of Trust and flew around on my cloud to deal with his stupid dashing. Then when I got behind him, I used Shield of Trust again and went Final Hit. Try to ignore the Prophets if you can, save for Bruillen since that one does Fireball and Thunder. Spam Health Potions.
  • CallantheCallanthe
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 31
    SoraHakuDA wrote: »
    Alright, yeah i have tried most of the above prior to posting this. My main issue is his dashing. I have managed to trap him somewhere where the knights are all together with it and the other 3 enemies can't reach them ( since when you start fighting him the other 3 prophets join in and kind of scatter the knights) But the frequency in which he dashes, makes it almost impossible for me to strike wihout getting killed after the 2 dashes he does. I'm an Elf so i can't use FH. Demigod works fine until those dashes kill me. The guy is everywhere.

    Drop aggro as much as possible, let him target the NPCs. When he's preparing the dash hop on a mount and run away.
    I never managed to trap him, because the first time I tried that he dashed through a wall and killed me. I needed a long break after this because I just wanted to scream at this point. So for me dodging worked much better than trapping.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    He's an Apostle raid. So, I figured he would inherit the same properties as all the other Apostle bosses. They have absolutely no collission box.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    You know what's really annoying? Waiting for any Avalon field boss raid for 6 hours now, without even knowing the specific time or server in which it can appear. So annoying, if this continues, i will fail at getting the event quest done.
  • SuperNubSuperNub
    Mabinogi Rep: 420
    Posts: 10
    edited June 16, 2018
    So how exactly do you defeat it? I never see Hasidim grab another knight outside of the time before the short cutscene.
    Edit: Hasidim is just broken in the two fights the player faces against him. In both times, not only can the apostle walk through walls, it can attack through it and just stay there, being virtually invulnerable (since no attacks reach him) and the npcs just stand there doing nothing except acting as meat bags. Not all the time but enough to make it seem like the Divine Knights are closet BDSM lovers.
  • SoraHakuDASoraHakuDA
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 43
    I've managed to trap him before but like someone said, His attacks go beyond walls so it's still annoying to work with.
  • LongSlyLongSly
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,210
    Posts: 86
    I'm at my wits end too. Only once after 4 attempts did I managed to get 7 crits in (if I'm top of the darn thing with a chain blade I have a good chance of getting those 7 crits fast), but I can barely do any damage to it after. I can survive with one dash but two and dead...

    I have no nao stones, used them all up playing catch up in g19 and all of g20 (especially the final fight in g20 where I kept getting mobbed and one-shotted, or stunned then one-shotted, by prophets, black wizard, and those two moving apostles; even when in Paladin I hardly stood a chance against ONE in both G19 and G20) and few missions in g21 too (darn girga and it's poisoning...). Same goes for my powerful potions I saved up from a lot of events. SE's and RE's and Full Recovery Potions.

    Also don't want to deal with the Prophets again, especially the OHKO-happy succubuss, the wolfman that will stun-lock me, and the hammer guy that will most likely OHKO me just by breathing on me. This thing is difficult enough, even when I transform into Paladin! I'm told you don't fight them after you deal with Hasidim, but since they're a threat I have to juggle around keeping my distance from them.

    Guess this is as far as I can go for "part 1" which feels like part 2 at this point...
    Really thought Part 1 was after you brought the prophets in and before you went around Erinn with the sword.

    Unless there's any advice of how to deal decent damage after the crit-phase, I don't know what to do...
  • CiriCiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,185
    Posts: 63
    Jesus his injury rate is ridiculous. Even when I was using Hide, he immediately hit me.