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Age difference of Mabinogi
so i wanted see if its true there more 18 plus players irl age in mabinogi
What is the current generation appealed to?
Mobile game grinds?
IMO, a lot of parents too, will buy kids tablets or phones because they're cheaper than computers and easier to manage what the kids are doing with them. They're also easier to keep track of and can do everything that a teenager would need a PC for, some schools even provide students WITH tablets. It's really not because of a lack of interest in MMORPGs. Technology is "moving forward" and PC's in general are falling behind.
FPS, good graphics, speedruns, streaming and literally anything that can make huge explosions and lots of noises with flashy effects to get more attention. The attention span of people gets shorter and shorter by every year now. Rarely anyone wants to read a several hour long storyline in MMO, most of players are just gonna skip it and go for the action and then later say "This game is crap, i don't know what to do! It didn't say anything! I don't understand the story at all!". Well duh, you just skipped like 95% of dialogues in story lol.
Yeah that's a good theory, it makes sense. But i noticed that FPS is trending by A LOT these past few years now. I can't remember seeing any MMO being over-hyped for some time now. It's all about that Fortnite, PUBG, Overwatch, etc, etc...
Kids these days... lack discipline.
That seems to be a long ways out... for now.
But I really do want to know what kids like to do these days
I just feel that the gap between their and our generation will cause more societal issues in the future.
Generation 50: The Milletians' Retirement ~
Forever the same age though.
Even though I feel like the grind aspect of this game is still a lot less than other MMORPGs in the sense that you don't ever have to put in hardcore grinding. Simply play regularly and you'll "get there" due to RBing.