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10k NX Giveaway Hunting Quest!
I am not buying it, but I am hunting for proof that a certain item exists in-game! If you happen to have one, or find one, just contact me with your in-game name, server, and a time we can meet so that I may take a peek to confirm its discovery! After which I will mail you an NX code for 10k Nx via the mailbox in game. Beware, there will only be ONE winner here.
The item in question you ask....
The mythical... See-Through Cocktail Dress Sewing Pattern!
Its an item used for the level 30 Erg Breakthrough for Knuckles! So unlucky.. Ive begun to doubt its existence entirely... After all, I have spent months looking for it, even though its supposedly been in-game forever...
So! Either add me on Mari server, Tatsugi or add me on Discord Tatsugi#8781 to contact me! Or just leave a message here.
(Also be sure to leave your name, and server so I can use my alt accordingly)
Good luck participants!
(No hints on drop locations, since none have yielded for me/any of my friends)

I wouldn't be surprised if this thread is moved by a moderator before long.
Good luck though, hopefully they'll patch around it soon enough.
I apologize for the misunderstanding.
By the way, I just did some research and - according to Reddit - this item literally doesn't exist on Mabinogi's US servers. I became suspicious when there was no such item listed on our Wiki, and a little more searching quickly turned up the following Reddit post (wherein someone asked which weapon was harder to Erg):
"The most difficult, as as far as I have heard, seems to be knuckles due to the fact that it is currently impossible to pass Erg Rank 6, as it requires a Signed See-Through Cocktail Dress , when the dress doesn't seem to have a sewing pattern available for it."
- ADreamtMonochrome
At this point it seems your contest is resolved, but sadly not in a way that helps anyone. As such - rather than offering a cash bounty - you'd be better served to write a bug report, since bringing this to their attention is the only way things might improve. I'm sorry I couldn't be the bearer of better news, but sometimes that's not how things go.
Because this is how i see things in here lol.
Someone with good photoshop skills can scam this guy easily lel.
Also seen this outfit with my own eyes, can't remember if i ever saw a sewing pattern of it.
It seems Korea eventually received an update that added more Sewing Patterns, which sadly never reached the US afterwards (helping to explain the utter dearth of Patterns available). While I could definitely theorize as to why this might've occured, I'll just stick to the unfortunate facts for now.
The pattern very likely exist within game files, and can be generated by a GM, but does not have natural source in this service area.
If being scammed of 10$ brings awareness that this item doesn't exist, I am more that 100% OK with it. If you have hacking skills to spoof an item in an in-game trade to give me some false hope, then so be it. I am being told from a few GMs that the item DOES exist and is OBTAINABLE. However, as many know I have said before, I am a 10 year veteran.. I have been here since the get-go and know what Im doing here. For an item that has supposedly existed since G11S2, I have NEVER seen it and neither have any of my longtime veteran friends.
It's not like I'm a 10 year-old kid on a public Minecraft server asking for an item to be spawned because I don't want to work for it. This issue just irks the heck out of me since my class, FIGHTER, is always getting the shaft in the first place.
(And for the record, if you mention this to any GM aside from Supreme, you will be met with a lot of flack, since apparently they have given me the answer multiple times. Which was and I quote "The item should drop from various elite missions, including the most common, Shadow Wizard Elite." or another stated that one actually had dropped from Wizard Elite on August 1st recently)
Uh, I'm not the one that mentioned the possibility of this being a scam.
I was just mentioning how KR has shafted us yet again.
I highly doubt that from what Clovis said. This is bs. We need that missing update.
Sorry sorry! I really shouldn't post while on my phone. I also should revise my posts if things go arry like this..
Guess it was Clovis15 I was thinking of.
I would have to find a way to infiltrate their ranks, befriend them, and take a gander at their private collection.. Kukuku
I wish though.. I doubt this thing exists. I would probably increase prize amount to an unearthly amount just because of how sure I am it doesn't.
It sounds like the item might not actually even exist and that's pretty dumb. I don't doubt that these patterns will make their way into gachapons though so there's that.
Eh, its fine. These forums are screwy, lol
If the wiki is to be believed, then its an unimplemented pattern that is supposed to be buyable from an NPC for 120,000 gold.
As for the pattern, there are a few other Erg upgrades that require signed copies of clothing whose manuals are no longer obtainable. At the very least, we should've gotten some form of update that re-introduced said manuals back into the game. Here's hoping these manuals make a confirmed return with the Life Skills update.