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Why is the tutorial so damn garbage?
I mean really, in retrospect, it probably was a bit rushed, and not at all reviewed for how the system would age.
Ironically I think there are more people nowadays who would prefer that kind of start.
Agreed. When I watched when my husband joined, all of the tutorials seemed so.... I don't know.... they seemed like a big bundle of mess.
Creating a character, talking to Duncan, introducing yourself to a few of the towns people and being sent on your G1 quest (eliminate random other generations popping in too) is how I think they should have kept it. Maybe, the quests to learn skills should be more thorough with their NPC's instead of throwing them on an easy to use quest board with a grindy, and already mentioned, childish way of teaching.
EXCUSE YOU, but I personally miss that lolli sprite of a spirit that nobody talks about anymore. Eiry was the bomb and I want her back! Lmao.
But, in all honesty, I do agree. While the OP is right about the tutorial being mind numbing, they give you three free pets - even if two have no inventories, which should be revamped for everyone who has those noob pets because new players tend to save EVERYTHING and have no room, but I digress - which when we first started out.. as older players, we got nothing but the weapon and then had to fend for ourselves.
I agree! ♥♥♥ Eiry ♥♥♥ She was a little help back then, too when I was "Spartan kicked off the hill."
A good example is the old early game content for giants. https://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Beginner_Quests_(Giant_Physis) Giants were expected to stay in Vales and the surrounding areas for a while. New Giant characters received 'Descendant of the Giants' title from Krug, the Giant King, to help them survive. They also received Krug's Blessing, a buff that works as long as they stayed in Physis or until they died. When they did die they had to go to Krug to retrieve their items, and guess what... they got Krugs Blessing again by talking to him. It all worked synergistically.
Vales was made for newb Giants. By hitting certain nearby trees they received a decent and interesting giant-only weapon. Giants could receive all basic skills through giant-specific quests, dialogue, and books available in or near Vales. (But I see they got sent to Tin to learn combat, it really should've been a dedicated giant combat trainer in Vales, oh well). Even certain magic and life skills, like meditation, could be learned in Vales. According to wiki, giants received quests that took them into Par ruins or had them hunt Physis wildlife, and the rewards included headgear, gloves, boots, and weapons. So I imagine for Giants, Vales became their hometown and training grounds, and they moved on to Uladh when they were ready.
Contrast that to the current early game content for giants, which is schizophrenic and cobbled together from old quests. It yanks players back and forth between Uladh and Physis too much: Duncan welcomes you, then you meet Krug for 5 minutes, then back to Uladh, then you reach a certain level or age milestone and you go to Vales to get congratulated by the Giant NPCs even though you have no sentimental or practical connection to Vales because your early game was entirely in Uladh. Once that's done there's no reason to stick around, so it's back to Uladh right away.
I wish the Giant early game would make up it's mind whether it wants to be entirely in Physis or entirely in Uladh. If the giant early game were entirely in Physis, then I could easily see Lorna and Pan's tutorial taking place in Physis, with them wearing winter gear and training you near Vales. If, however, the early game took place entirely in Uladh (no side-trips to Krug or Vales at all, with age and level milestone quests handled by Pan), then it would turn Vales into a sort of racial homeland that all giants would visit later in their game life. I imagine it like a pilgrimage to learn about your people and get some mid-game race specific skills and story content.
"are we gonna add anything to them afterwards?"
"Nah. Were also gonna make it so giants have no reason to be in vales longer then 5minutes later, and pretend the houses dont exsist again".
i cant be the only one to remember the old houses in vales. those were funny. they didnt even have proper clipping.
Best tutorial was Eiry.
It seems they put all of their minimal effort in trying to educate the player that they actually forgot to make it fun.
Well again, its skippable. There are people that need the tutorial to learn things that might not happen. Plus we look at the tutorials as people that have experience with the game already so they feel a lot more mind numbing to us. For someone getting into the game, the tutorial provide a structured learning curve that eases the player into the staggering amount of information they are required to have. There's always a need for a tutorial, and if the tutorial is boring for older players, than it just means that it's doing it job well. It's providing information that older players know and that newer players NEED to know.
The day before writing that, I introduced my friend to Mabi. I watch him play through the tutorial through screenshare. My comment was written from was observed, not my own personal experience.
It was a mind numbing experience for my friend too.
If it's boring for veterans, that doesn't make it a good tutorial. It just means theres every chance it will bore the new players aswell. It means it isn't engaging.
As a veteran you'll have almost all of the knowledge they are presenting to you. The issue is that Mabi has many many changes and mechanics introduced. To a player that has played through the introductions of these mechanics (sometimes even base level mechanics like the Genesis Update) they present seems obvious and not needed. This is why tutorials feel slow, for someone that has an earnest desire to learn about the mechanics, they are fed at a pace that anyone can pick up. And once again, its designed for the lowest common denominator, players that need the slow pace and spoon fed information to understand how to play the game. If you're one of the people that knows how to pick up on the mechanics, then good, skip the thing. The option is there, it has always been there. Just because it feels slow to you doesn't mean its slow to other people. From my experience the tutorial does what it needed to do, introduce and explain the various aspects of the game. Provide examples and a chance for the beginner to experiment and test out said mechanics. If you wish to play blindingly and learn along the way, then once again, SKIP THE TUTORIAL. If you play through the tutorial, then do so with the earnest mindset that you are going to LEARN something from it.
The Lorna and Pan intro in the forest field was OK, but I felt they fragmented the dialogue too much. Same problem with the Festia intro quest where they make you talk to Tia like 10 times to advance the quest. Was that really necessary?
Tin's talent preview is a neat concept. It feels more like a showcase of the game's neat talents, made to impress new players with awesome skills, rather than an honest attempt to help a newbie choose their very FIRST talent (since that is mostly inconsequential. they'll be changing talents back and forth almost every day or just stick to combat). I really feel Tin's talent preview should be a permanent (optional) part of the rebirth process, somewhere in the talent selection part.
Back when they made you go to school and learn stuff and then led you with a goof process on how to train and develop skills.
I don't see that anymore, the process. With new skills and talents, and overall the current system, there's no learning process.
I think that needs to be changed.